Everyone is asking

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Couple of days later..

I got up and got ready I drove to the radio station .

Tracy:hey Adrianne
Me:hey Tracy.
Tracy:everyone is asking about you & Eric.
Me:well he was my first love ever in high school i knew him before he played basketball he knew me before I sung.i knew him for about eight years.i love him with all my heart.he's my day one.
Tracy:can you tell us about the game?
Me:well he threw the last shot.
He couldn't just keep it to hisself so he kissed me.it wasn't really anything big.
Tracy:it is to the media .did you know Drake was there?
Me:no I didn't actually.
Tracy:do you have any harsh feelings about him?
Me:no harsh feeling.were friends everyone thinks since he's my ex we don't communicate.he has been my role model before I knew him and he will always be my role model.
Tracy:so do you have anything under your belt.
Me:yes movie,singles and more singles.then I'm going to be taking a break from everything for one or two years.
Tracy:wow that's going to be a long time.
Tracy:couple of months ago you were in Detroit you were there with Iggy & Miley Cyrus for a music video.
Me:yes best time of my life.never had a dull moment with those two.
Tracy:your like one of Hollywood most beautiful women can you explain a little more.
Me:well first I don't wear make up i only wear eyeshadow on special occasion i really hate it.unlike others I take care of myself.beauty isn't makeup it's your natural beauty thats found in you.
Tracy:ok so you and Eric look forward to getting married?
Me:me well were taking our time.
Tracy:thank you for coming.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now