Interview with Lisa

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Next week.....Thursday

I'm being interviewed by Lisa

Lisa:we are here with Adrianne Haughton .
Lisa:you earned many things 10 Grammies in one night five Grammies next year,four moon man,and two best artist of the year.and an Oscar.I haven't talk to you since the beginning of your career back in August 2013 it's January 2015 so how it going?
Me:great I'm loving life.
Lisa:and you are also twenty-three years old and your an actor,singer,rapper,dancer,model,business woman,fashion designer,tech designer what else.
Me:well everything I am now is what I wanted to be when I was younger and I have the chance to live it out.

Lisa:so can you tell us about what happen with you and Canadian rapper Drake.
Me:well he's 29 I'm 23 were on a different times in life.he's relaxed and I'm just now getting started with my career.

Lisa:everyone is asking are you dating someone yet?
Me:I don't know yet.
Lisa:so when you went to Walmart popular media show showed footage of you punching an paparazzi.
Me:I decide to go to Walmart that day I spent 3 hours just getting things.then when I'm leaving out there's a big swarm of paparazzi's near me I told them back decide to come closer he got served.I'm not going to apologize I should be able to go places with out being chase by people.

Lisa:what do you want your legacy to be?
Me:I want to be known as a person that had a beautiful spirit,voice & heart.and a beautiful person in general.
Lisa:what are you doing in the future?
me:I'm going to go all around the world with the people I love and meet my fans.
Lisa:what are respond to the video with Miley Cyrus & Iggy azalea "party"?
Me:well I'm young I'm at the stage where I'm still wild.but this video was about releasing all your stress no worries.
Lisa:you were in Michigan and you were in Walmart on your "worst behavior".
Me:yes we were in Walmart for 4 hours.we bought people items.then we took pictures.
Lisa:thank you.
Me:your welcome.

I got my bag and grace dropped me off at the airport.i checked everything then I went on the jet.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now