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Sunday September 23, 2017

Today i just got in Michigan. I'm going to Michigan court for Tay(Donte) sexually assaulting me tomorrow.i have Princess with me.we just arrived its 9:00pm.tee picked me up then dropped me off at home.then I drove to the food market and bought me something.i took pictures with some fans. the I went home i made dinner.then i washed princess up.and I got ready for tomorrow.i read princess a bedtime story.she fell asleep in my arms.

September 24, 2017

I woke up super early at like 7:00am.i drove Princess to my aunt house then I drove to the court.Donte lawyer tried to fight the case but my lawyer won.i picked Princess up.then I drove to the best breakfast place ever.we ate then I walked to my car.i put her in the car seat.then my phone started was an unknown number.

?:hello this is Mark I'm a happy to say you got the role of Tatiana.
Me:really oh my!!
Mark:congrats I need you to be in Miami in January 28.
Me:that's fine.
Mark:thank you.
Me:no thank you.

I drove back home and we both took a nap.Aubrey called me.

Me:hi what's up??
Aubrey:how's Princess?
Me:good we were taking a nap.
Aubrey:sorry i interrupted do you need anything?
Me:not at the moment on January 28
I have to film a movie.can you get Princess for me.that week.
Aubrey:I'll see.
Me:I got a main role I need to be there.
Aubrey:ok I'll see.

i carried princess to the bedroom. I laid down with her and we fell back to sleep.

today is sunday October 15, is the day that Dez get out.Aubrey pick Princess up yesterday.i got ready then I drove to the prison.she was just standing there.


She screamed

Me:I'm so happy your out.
Dez:I'm glad I'm out was hell in there.whats been going on?
Dez:how's Tee,Leah,Tay and Jay?
Me:tee been acting funny.its like she want to use us for fame.leah is good shes in LA.Tae is is jail.
Dez:what did he do?
Me:he raped me.
Me:everyone was outside and I went to go use the restroom. He grabbed my arms and pulled me into a room.i tried fighting back.then he told me to take my clothes off I said no he put a gun up to my head.then he raped me.
Dez:are you ok?
Dez:what did Drake do?
Me:I told Leah then she told him.he was being real cool about it the Jay knocked Tae out.
Dez:is it true that you don't go with Drake?
Me:he's the reason why I took a road trip with Leah.he ask me for a divorce because he feels like he shouldn't married and he needs space.anyways what do you want to do today?
Dez:let's go shopping.

I drove to a shopping outlet which was closer to us.we both bought a lot of things.then we drove back to the city it was about four o'clock. we walked on the river walk.i took pictures with some fans.then we went to the movies for two hours then I drove to a 24 hour restaurant.

Me:Dez did you still want to move to LA?
Dez:I need to talk to my probation officer.
Me:you would love it.

I dropped her off at her mom house.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now