Your making it harder for yourself

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December 6, 2017

Today is the day of the concert last month I worked my butt off I released five songs ,then I made my adult products .I did check ups at the doctor i got my tubes tied temporally for a year.then i trying to make a furniture line.i took my finals for all my classes.All through that me and Trey are getting really close.anyways it's four o'clock Trey wants me to get there really early.i just finish getting ready.I'm driving to theater.and Trey called me.



Trey:come through the back door.



I drove to the back were the security was.then I got out a security escorted me to Treys dressing room.i closed the door.Trey was sitting down on his phone.he was in a white T-shirt and black jeans.



He got up and hugged me tight.then we kissed.

Trey:I'm so glad to see you.

We sat down on the couch.he laid his head on my lap.i rubbed his head.

Me:I'm excited to see you too.hows tour so far?

Trey:good almost's the baby.

Me:she's good shes growing everyday.

Trey:are you going to be in the crowd or in the VIP room.

Me:front seat right in the center.

Trey:Are you going to be comfortable with me you know freaky with other?

Me:trey I understand you known for being a freak.i don't mind long as you don't do anything after the show if you know what I mean.

Trey:no because we have some catching up to do.

Me:I brought you something.

I looked in my purse.then I grabbed a jewelry case.i gave it Trey.

Trey:what is it?


Trey:keys to ..

Me:a Ferrari.

Trey:did you drive it?

Me:no I was thinking we both could take a spin tomorrow.

Trey:alright follow me.

He grabbed my hand.i grabbed my purse.we walked to the stage.he started singing.the we danced he spin me around.he wrapped me in his arms making me face him.

Trey:I love you.

Me:I love you too.

We kissed then i went back stage.Trey got ready the people did his hair.then he asked for five minutes with me.

We kissed.he grabbed my butt.


Trey:you know you like it...

I heard a knock on the door.

Me:give me a kiss.

We kissed then I fixed my dress then I walked to my seat.i watched him perform then he did his freaky thing he looked at me i couldn't do nothing but laugh.

The after party.

I walk in I seem Drake and his people then I seen August Alsina I walked up to him.

Me:hi August Alsina.

August:Hello Adrianne I'm a big fan of yours.

Me:I love your music too.your performance was amazing.

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