Detroit visit

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November 14, 2014

I packed my bags up.then I went to sleep.for a few hours then at 11 pm We got on a jet to Detroit.

Me:I'm at home.
Leah:picture time.

We took pictures in the airport.

I waited for the car.then they drove us downtown.i checked in the hotel.

I took pictures .and made video."Detroit what's up!!"

I changed then I fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm .i got ready then I got dressed .

Leah:um I'm going to my cousin house.

then I walked to the riverwalk.

Everyone greeted me.

Me:hello everyone .
Me:Sean I haven't seen you in like five years.
Sean:yeah how are you?
Me:great everything is good I got engaged too.
Director:ok so Adrianne your going to go on the 95.Sean Jefferson then you are going to meet at Bellé isle .

They drove me to 95(freeway)and I rap my verse .then we went Belle isle I rapped another verse.i walk around .

Director:ok tomorrow you can see it.

I walked to my car.

Sean:want to go to lunch?

We went to this place on telegraph .

Me:wow I haven't been here in a while.
Sean:you been here before.
Me:yeah years ago.
Sean:what did you do after school ?
Me:I went to college and went for three years for business.then I begin singing you help me find that because I barely sung.How it going for you?
Sean:good actually I let out my album last year.i getting married.
Me:i bought the album and congrats .
Sean:thanks remember I would walk to DSA to talk to Ashley .
Me:yeah you love her.

I went on my phone.we took a picture."friendship for eight year.FYI"

We ordered then we ate our food.

Then we left.we drove to our old neighborhoods.

Me:hey want to go to King of Diamonds tonight with me and Leah.
Sean:ok .
Me:I haven't been there since December.
Sean:you go to strip clubs?
Sean:I remember when you turn 18 you were scared to go to KOD.
Me:I go with Drake half of the time or just the girls.
Me:let me go the bank.

I got the money.then I went to the hotel.

Leah:girl I went shopping downstairs at Godiva .it just better.

I drop the boxes on the ground.

Leah:what's that ?

Me:money were going to the strip club.
Leah:i have no clothes.
Me:let's go to the boutiques then.

We went to the mall and got some clothes.

Then we got ready.

We pulled up.threw it up in the air .then we were out.

I went to the hotel to chilled. I took a picture "I guess I'm not party girl anymore😂😭😅😇"

I ate then I fell asleep .

Next morning November 15, 2013

I went to check the video.we liked it.then I went to a place Leah wanted to go to C.J. Barrymore .we went there and took picture while waiting in line.i took pictures with fans.then I drove around.then I went to this jumping thing.and then arcade.

Me:that was fun.
Leah:your welcome.
Me:want to fly Los Angeles.

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