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june 17, 2017

Princess is five months.I just landed in Michigan for a new product for my company.the limo drove me to my house out in Birmingham.i got settled in then I fed Princess.Then I drove to Walmart.i put Princess basket cover on then i put her over it.i got some toys for Princess then some household items.i stop for a few fans.then I drove back to the house.

i laid Princess playpen out.then I made me something to eat.then I turned the tv on.i sat down and I ate and I shared some with Princess.i took some selfies.then Princess got on the couch.and she sat on me.i took some pictures.then Aubrey FaceTime me.

Aubrey:hey baby
Me:hey what's up?
Aubrey:nothing can I talk to baby.

Me:dada is on the phone.

She grabbed it then she laid down the other side of the couch.and started baby talking.i grabbed my other phone.and i video cam it the i posted it."she's been talking for quiet some time now."
Leah comment "she's going to be talking early."

me:baby can I have the phone.

She said baby.then she crawled over to my side and gave me the phone.

Me:so how is it at home.
Aubrey:empty .i meant to tell you when you come back I'm going to Houston.
Me:there's no point in coming back to LA.
Aubrey:yeah your right.
Me:I miss you.
Aubrey:miss you too.
Me:did I ever show you my house?
Me:let me show you.

I pick Princess up.then I walked around the house.showed him the house.

Drake:I'm going to call you back.

i wash Princess up.then I laid Princess Down in the bed.then I got ready for tomorrow then i went to bed.

June 18, 2017

I went to my meeting while my aunt baby sited product went perfectly with my new collection.i went to the mall bought some items from Forever 21, and H&M.Then i stopped to meet some fans.Later I went to my aunt house and pick Princess up.then I drove home.i got Princess ready.then I drove to the Carabbas.we walked in and I seen Jalen(Jay),Teyana(Tee),Leah and my other friends sitting down.

Tee:let me see Princess.

I got her out of the seat.then I handed her to Tee.we ordered our food.then we talked.

Tee:when is Dez getting out?
Me:October 15 I can't wait to see her.
Tee:have you seen her?
Me:I talk to her last week.i. Think I'm going to visit her.
Tee:we'll go with you.
Me:alright how about tomorrow?
Leah:I have a studio session later on that day.
Tee:well I don't work tomorrow so that's a yes.
Jay:I can't come I have to work all day tomorrow.
Me:y'all can come over my house.
Tee:who's going to babysit Princess.
Me:i can ask auntie Michelle .if she cant I can take her I just need her birth certificate.

Leah:what's been up with you tee?
Tee:I been at home lately.
Me:you know you can come to LA.You might find a boo.
Tee:I don't know.
Me:that's what I did I was scared To go places.but I started to like it .Houston for a couple of months,Atlanta for the other six months then I stayed in Brooklyn for two years then moved to LA.sometime you just gotta do it.
Leah:remember when we wanted to get away from Detroit.Tee you got the you just gotta use them.
Jay:Im going to move to LA in November.
Me:yeah ok Jay.
Jay:I'm serious their moving the Factory out there to make more money.
Tee:wheres Tay?
Me:still doing him.
Tee:wait he still selling drugs.
Me:I told him to stop I got him but he didn't want to do it.he seen How Rico got killed.i don't want to loss another friend.
Leah:he was gone too soon.

The waitress brought us our food.we ate our food.then I went home and I clean up the place.then I got Princess washed up.then I put her in the bed.i washed up I took my brown contacts off.then I heard a knock.i looked in the door was Leah and Tee.i we talked then we went to bed.i texted Drake.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now