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Next day...

I'm in Detroit well Miley and Iggy.our first stop was going to my organization "girls of Detroit".were going to share stories.teach about life lessons.we have back to the community.

Then we went to the set of our video "party".we had everything that a party should have from teddy bears ,drinks, balloons in the (indoor)pool.we shoot the video then we actually had a party.we smoked,drink,dance.we took pictures .

We drove to the hotel were staying.then I took a bath and went to sleep.

Next day...

It's fun day!!!were going to this place called beans & cornbread a soul food place.

Miley:I love Detroit even more.
Iggy:I never been here its nice here.i hear what people say about it. But everywhere Is bad too.
Me:you have to look at the beauty of it.i grew up here it wasn't always like this.
Miley:what's up for today?
Me:well after this well go to shop at sommerset C.J. Barrymore,downtown Detroit then to Walmart at 12 in the morning.
Iggy:this video is going to be crazy once it hit the air.
Me:especially when the twerking part comes on .we killed it.
Miley:the smoking part was enjoyable part.
Me:I never had a dull moment with you when were together were not anywhere near basic.
Iggy:we have to hang out some more.
Me:y'all two showed my bad girl side I never knew I had.
Miley:hanging with me is already not basic.
Me:I really needed this for real .like this released all the stress I had.

We ordered our food then we ate.i drove to sommerset mall.we went shopping at some stores.then we went to C.J. Barrymore.we were in line to go go-cart racing when a girl.

Girl:omg that's Miley,Adrianne and name is Candice .thats my friend Gloria.
Me:nice to meet you Candice.
Iggy:hey Candice.
Gloria:is that the lady from Australia that knows how to twerks.

We laughed.

Me:want to take a few pictures.

We took a few pictures.then We got ready to drive we took pictures.then we went in the arcade and played games.

I posted some pictures to Instagram. "C.J. Barrymore was better with these two."
I drove downtown.we walked on the river walk then we went inside in the renaissance building.we ate some food at a pizza place.

Iggy:I like this place.
Me:we're about to go to Walmart and fool.

Me:I drove back out to the Walmart.

We got three basket.Miley got in.we took some pictures "worst behavior".we put random things in the basket. We ordered tv.i bought some iPods.then i gave the to people.then we went into the makeup for Iggy.i took a picture of the makeup."no need for this my natural beauty Is my makeup."

Me:we been in here for four hours.
Miley:felt like an hour.
Me:yeah our flight is in five hours.
Miley:well if Iggy ready were all ready.

I drove to the hotel.i got everything packed up.then I took a nap.then I woke up got ready then I flew back to La.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now