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Adrianne pov

I'm on the plane.

I can't believe my best friend raped keeps playing in my head.

I put my music in my ear.i started recording a song.
Hours later....

I got off the plane and my driver drove me to my house.i walked in the house.i went to studio.i smoked some hookah and I made a beat.then I sung until I couldn't sing anymore.

I looked at my phone.Leah called me.i called her back.

Leah:where are you?
Me:Leah something came up.
Leah:what happened?
Leah:tell me now.

Then I hung up.then Aubrey called.

Aubrey:are you ok?
Me:yes Aubrey.
Aubrey:I can hear it in your voice your scared.
Me:no I'm not scared of anything.
Aubrey:where are you?
Me:I don't want you to tell anyone.
Aubrey:when am I going to see you?
Me:I don't know i have a movie in Los angeles in two days.but I'm tired.
Aubrey:I'll let you go to bed.

I walked around the house then I went to sleep.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now