Expecting the non Expected

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I'm in Toronto .my new home.I'm just now getting settled in.I'm watching tv.I'm sitting on the couch.I'm on Instagram.I'm getting comments saying "you should do a song with Beyoncé."

I took a picture."still the sweet girl everyone knew in high school she's just grown up but it's this serious terrible disease that is spreading rapidly .called bad girl.side affects fashion Killa,trouble,bad body,money maker,sexy,mean,cool.it could last lifetime years ,months,days,hours.just hang around some bad girl and get the disease rapidly.

Drake:good morning.
Me:good morning.ok well I'm going to be releasing two of my album this year.like in a month.well my fans won't know only Walmart,target stores like that.
Drake:is that the album that I listened to?
Me:yes I think that's going to be my most successful album.confession had 1 million in the second week.and 10 of my songs hit top 10 song for two months.
Drake:let's listen to it.

I started playing it.

Drake:it's good and the other one.

I played the other one.

Drake:you have many varieties of music rap,electric,r&b,pop.i can tell your going to be successful.
Me:thanks baby.

Drake:why does everybody want you to make a song with Beyoncé?
Me:because I'm a great artist and one of the biggest rising stars in Hollywood and the music industry.
Drake:do you want to make a song with her?
Me:see here's the thing.i never liked her even when my mom was alive.i don't really listen to her music unless its playing on the radio.i tried listening to her music until I heard bow down.and she thinks she's thinks she's better than everyone in the music industry.
Drake:Ok why do you think that?
Me:well Ever since my mom died.she got famous.she think that she dominates the music industry.she copies off of other artist including my mom.it takes a person to die to make you popular.
Drake:I get what your saying.but she's a nice person if you actually meet her I did a song with her.
Me:I don't want to make a song with her.
Drake:well drop the subject.
Me:thank you.i don't want you to think that I'm a bad person Im just not a fan of Beyoncé.

Drake:want something to eat?

He kissed me then he went in the kitchen.i sat at the breakfast bar.

Me:what's on your mind?
Drake:nothing I mean I'm ready to go the awards.
Me:I know it's going to be the first time were seen married.
Drake:yeah are you performing?
Me:yes I'm so excited.
Drake:I haven't been there in a while.
me:I go every year.
Drake:I love you.
Me:I love you too.

We are then we started getting dress.

Drake:something is different about you?
Me:what do you mean?
Drake:your pregnant?
Me:no I'm not.
Drake:your stomach has a little bump to it.your chest got bigger.
Me:I'm not having a baby.
Drake:ok.thats what you say.

I finish getting dress.drake drove to a doctor office.

Me:really Aubrey Drake graham really.

Dr.Lorenzo:hello how are you?
Aubrey:we wanted to know if she's pregnant.
Dr.Lorenzo:ok follow me.

We walked in the room.he put stuff on my stomach.

Dr.Lorenzo:you are having a baby.your only a month.
Me:ok you were right.
Aubrey:I'm a father.

We walked out of the doctor office.it was a big group of paparazzi's.

Me:back off.or you will get hurt.
Aubrey:keep calm.just keep calm.

He drove off to his mom house.

Sandi:hello Adrianne.
Me:hi Ms.Graham.
Aubrey:hey mom.
Sandi:how are you two.
Me:great.want to tell her.
Aubrey:yeah so I kept telling Adrianne she is pregnant.she kept saying no I'm not.and i told her your starting to see a little bump.and your chest is getting bigger.so we went to the doctor and he says she's having a baby.and she's only one month.
Sandi:oh my I'm having a grandchild.
Me:I'm excited.
Aubrey:I been waiting on this for a while now.
Sandi:that's why you look a little bit different.
Aubrey:hopefully it's a boy?
Me:no a girl would be best were going to go shopping get our nails and hair done.
Sandi:I'll love them equally.
Me:I'll be right back.

I went to the restroom and threw up.

Aubrey:are you ok.

I threw up some more.he held my hair.i flush the toilet.and cleaned up.

Aubrey:I'm going to take Adrianne home.
Me:by Ms.Graham.
Sandi:bye sweethearts.

He drove to the house.

Me:I feel so sick.
Aubrey:I'll help you get ready to go to sleep.

I took a bath.he got my clothes out.then he carried me to bed.and tucked me in.

me:I love you.
Aubrey:I love you too.

I watched Tv.then I fell asleep.i woke up at the middle of the night and threw up.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now