The 25th

18 0 0

February 25, 2017

I just landed in L.A. With princess and I drove to the new house.i drove in the driveway and I typed the code in.the I got princess out.then Aubrey came out the front door.

Aubrey:let me help you.

He took princess the i got the bag.we walked in I seen a beautiful staircase.and the decor is just so beautiful I walked in the rooms they all look really unique and modern.then I looked at the kitchen I ran up stairs to my room.i looked at it I fell in love with the bedroom which was cream with a touch if red and gold.then I walked to my bathroom I have a large circle tub then a shower.then I walked to my closet I seen a mini kitchen then a fireplace with a lazy boy next to it I looked at my tall shoe shelves noticing my shoes are going to take all the space up.then we had the jewelry section to the corner.i was so happy.

Aubrey:how do you like it?
Me:I love it wheres princess room.

He lead me to her was gold,white and pink.she had a circular bed with a canopy over her bed.she had two chairs on for mommy and daddy.

Drake:it's nice in her room.

We looked at the other rooms.

Then we laid down on the couch.

Me:I love it.
Drake:yeah you should love it.
Me:I know it's 151,000,000.42 .i just paid it all.
Drake:I was going to pay for it.
Me:to late.

Drake:when do you want to move in??
Me:in two weeks.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now