Afraid of being alone

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August 28, 2017

I being relaxing at home with and Aubrey are no longer together.i been low key.but I had to go to the city to drop off paper work to my lawyer.then I drove to Leah house.she opened the door.

Leah:are you ok?
Me:all this came to me at once accident and divorce.
Leah:I have a question?
Me:what is it?
Leah:are you an angel?
Me:why would you say that?
Leah:I don't know you were dead for almost an hour.and you seen your mother. Rico and your grandpa.
Me:to be honest I would never know until I'm there.

Leah:so about music?
Me:I'm changing my name.
Leah:what to?
Me:Kahea or Raine.
Leah:no don't change your name.i like Adrianne better.
Me:they gonna love you more when your gone.
Leah:I made some beats want to listen to them?

I picked sleeping Princess up and carried her to the studio.i held Princess .i listened to the beats.

Leah:let me take a picture of you two.

She posted it.

Leah:let's put a chorus on this song.

I sung the chorus.

I cooked some fried chicken and rice.then I fed Princess and me some.

Me:Leah thank you for being my best friend.
Leah:your welcome.and thank you.

I walked to the patio.and looked at the beautiful view of LA.then we watched tv.while Princess was playing with her toys.then I went on my phone.

Later that day...

It's 12:00am.i can't go to sleep.there no one to talk to.i cried myself to sleep just thinking about the accident and how I would of died.and how Princess would of never grow up without a mother.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now