June 13

28 2 0

June 11, 2013

I'm in Los Angeles for a couple of interviews.i got up washed up and everything.then I drove to interviewing place.

I walked in sat down and talk to the lady(Claire) before the show.

Claire:hello we have the beautiful Aadrianne Haughton here.
Me:hello Claire how are you?
Claire:good and you?
Me:good no I'm not good actually I'm great right now I can't complain.
Claire:so we have a good question for you?
Claire:ok Instagram you took a picture with Drake when he wrapped you in his arms and kissed you ok the cheeks.and the description was "Love".everyone one is asking do you love him as a friend or something a little more.
Me:me and Drake have been dating for a little while so far now.
Claire:oh my gosh.
Me:yeah we both agree to keep quiet.
Claire:that is a shock.
Me:yeah I love him so much .
Claire:so your album sold at one million copies.
Me:yeah i got a million the first week.I'm so excited about it.
Claire:do you have any songs coming out?
Me:yes many like about six .i have one with Rihanna,nicki just to name a few .
Claire:so we have a surprise for you after the break.

I heard the buzzer I met some of the audience.

Claire:so we said we have a surprise for you well here it comes.

I turned around I seen drake.

Claire:he said he wanted to surprise you so , but Drake we have some questions for you from the fans.
Drake:oh boy.
Claire:how is it to date this amazing talented sexy Adrianne.
Me:wait wow I like how that person describe me .
Drake:I'm the luckiest man .she is so beautiful in the inside.she loves me for who I am I love her for who I she is.and I love that about her.
Claire:are you planning to have kids?

I looked at Drake.

Me:well you don't plan to have babies.and not anytime in the future.after my turn up time ill be having kids.
Drake:Id love a kid with her in the future after our career is slowing down.
Claire:if you have a child would you let the world see him or her?
Me:no no no i want her to have a normal life.like go to amusement parks without getting harassed.ill wait a long time till you will see my baby.
Claire:ok After knowing only 5 days that you and drake dating they call you the new Beyoncé and jayz .
Me:first it's nice .but I'm Adrianne and this is Drake.and I love Beyoncé but were just now starting well get there one day.
Claire:so everyone says that you are releasing a video with Drake?
Me:how do you know that I didn't say anything about it so.
Claire:ok interesting question how's Drake in bed one through ten?
Drake:that person is personal
Me:wow very personal really ok oh my gosh well he's a twelve.

He laugh .
Claire:so you two going to tie the knot in the future.
Drake:yes she's the one for me .and it will be in the future.
So your going to be have a tour in August .
Me:yes yes yes can't wait Detroit and Brooklyn are going to have best performances and surprises.then Las Vegas ,Los Angeles ,atl ,and Miami.
Claire:oh that sounds like fun.thanks for coming on the show today.
Me:your welcome and thank you.

Then we walked off.

Me:I thought you were on Toronto .
Drake:no I wanted to surprise you .

He kissed me on my cheek.

Drake:let me take you out to dinner tonight and let me spend some time with you.
Me:ok I have my other interviews tomorrow .
Drake:ok well .meet me at my house .
Me:I don't know where that is?
Drake:I'll pick you up then.

I drove home I changed I took pictures."A2"

Then Drake picked me up.we went shopping paparazzi's were following us.then we went to a restaurant .

Drake:congrats on your tour again.
Drake:I wish I could tour with you.
Me:awh me too.
Drake:one day.
Me:yeah ,I was at the doctor office and she said I was stressed too much.and I guess all the tours is going to add up.
Drake:what's wrong ?
Me:I don't know I had 12 photoshoots,3 interviews and a few music videos.
Drake:when Is your first tour.
Me:in August the 12.
Drake:well were going on vacation after your interview I'll clear my schedule for a week.
Me:ok I'll clear mines then.

He touched my chin and we met at the middle of the table and kissed .

We ordered then we ate our food.

Drake:I love you.
Me:I love you too.
Drake:I'll see to you later.
Me:ok I'll call you later.

He payed we got up hug and then he walked me to my car.with paparazzi's following.

I went to my house.went to sleep...

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now