18thof jan

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January 18, 2017

I'm getting out today.princess is taking her pictures.then we're going to be leaving.

Erin Marie white
30 years old.
certified Nanny since I was 22.
I was a celebrity nanny before.

I washed up and got dressed into some jeans and a shirt with hat and glasses.then I had Princess nanny Erin to put the carseat in the car.

Drake get everything we had then the hospital had and announcement "may everyone please stay in their room for 20 minutes and no use of the elevators."

We wait a few minutes.then we had our security men 10 walk into the elevator.then when we reached lobby I seen flashes everywhere.

Me:oh no.
I put my black glasses on.

I looked at princess stroller to see if you could see her.i put a blanket over the stroller.Drake put her in the car seat.

Me:Erin thanks for being our nanny.
Erin:your welcome.
Me:your off for the week.

I finally arrived at home.

I got princess out of her carrier.she was woke up.and looked at me.drake picked her up.

Drake:you can get your rest on I'll babysit.let me and princess have daughter and daddy time.
Me:get me in two hours so i can feed her.

He dived in for a kiss I kissed him.then I changed clothes and took a nap.

I woke up from the best nap ever.i walked to the living room.

Me:best nap ever.what are you two doing?
Drake:watching tv.playing with her.

I fed her.then I got a call.

Sia:hey this is Sia.
Me:hey how are you?
Sia:I'm great congrats on your baby girl.
Sia:what's her name?
Me:Princess Aaliyah Graham.
Sia:who does she look like?
Me:she look exactly like me and my mom just with Drake skin tone.
Sia:awh I wish I could see her.
Me:I know I want to see my god baby.
Sia:she said hi.
Me:hey Sophia.
Me:awh she said hey.
Sia:teaching her how to talk.
Me:it's so cute when they learning.
Me:so like in april on spring break I'm going to get all my god kids together.
Sia:I thought Sophia was the only god kid.
Me:no I have five more.a one,five,four,six,two year olds.
Sia:awhh that's going to be cute.
Me:yeah I'm going to have all of them meet.
Sia:your just going to get them.
Me:me and Aubrey.
Me:ok well call me if you need anything.
Sophia:bye bye .
Me:bye bye Sophia.love y'all

I picked princess.and held her.she looked at me.

Me:hey cheeks.
Drake:she does have some big cheeks.i think she might have dimples.
Me:awh that would be so cute.
Drake:I love her.

I started singing twinkle twinkle little star.

Drake:she's a version of you.
Drake:question are you still going to Los Angeles in two weeks?
Me:yes I want to see angel abulita Grace and Dad.then I have see how my dancing studio is going their renovating it.then my boutique.
Drake:ok.well I'll go with you.
Me:and I have to go to L.A to lose this baby weight.

Me:she's sleep now.

The door bell rung.she opened her eyes.

Drake opened the door.then I seen Noah "40" shebib.

Me:hey 40
40:hey how are you?
Me:I'm good.
40:let me see her.

I put princess In Her arms.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now