The 4th

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September 4, 2013
Flight to New York.

Well Im doing a song with Trey so excited .

i walked in.

Trey:hello Adrianne.
Me:how are you ?
Trey:great.lets get to it.i was think we should do a sexy like song.about how a man and a woman meet each each other .and they are in love.
Me:ok well I suggest we can do a climax to the song.
Trey:I have some of the lyrics.i just need yours.
Me:I have mines.

I gave him the paper.

We mixed up our took about 3 hours.

Me:we finally have it .
Trey:thanks .

Trey:you know this is going on your album.
Trey:your funny.wanna go get something to eat.
Me:yes I would.

Trey:my treat.

He drove me to the restaurant.

Trey:so your Aaliyah daughter?
Me:yes you know if this song make top charts we have to do a video.
Trey:ok fine.
Me:I find you highly attractive .
Trey:the same with you.your gorgeous.
Trey:uh I see you blushing.

I laughed.

Trey:do you know that your becoming big in the music industry ?
Me:yes I'm not that big yet.
Trey:yes you are .but your going to get bigger and have some good things coming towards you.
Me:congrats on the movie.
Trey:it's out already ?
Me:it's on commercial .I'm going to see it.
Trey:so are you single?
Me:yes I am .to be honest I'm not looking for a relationship right now .
Trey:I understand career .
Me:yes I'm busy flying to new york and LA .it makes me tired.

Trey:relax take your time.
Me:I do every blue moon.
Trey:sometimes go by yourself .
Me:I do I have a good time
Trey:I just like you.
Me:awh your handsome.
Trey:thank you.
Me:just friends.
Trey:ok fine with .

Me:we should get back to the studio.

We walked outside where the paparazzi's were waiting then we ran to the car.He drove back to the studio.

Me:let's still edit this .

We edited it.

Then it was set.

Me:thanks so much for working with me.

I hugged him.then he kissed me on the cheek.we took a picture.

I went back to the house I went to Leah side.i walked in her living room.

Me:hey girl I'm so tired.
Leah:hey I been calling you .
Me:I'm sorry .

I ran to her kitchen .

Me:any snacks.
Leah:chocolate .
Leah:um 40 & Drake is here.
Me:what Leah
Leah:he said he been trying to call to tell you he was coming.
Me:I was in the studio with Trey we went to lunch.
Leah:well they only been here for 40 minutes ha.

I went to my side .i put my comfortable boots on after a long day with Louboutin .

I walked to the studio .

Drake:hey I have a song .
Me:ok let me see.

I got in the booth I sung it then Drake did his verse.

40:we're going to have to do your part over Adrianne your voice sounds different.

Me:oh I didn't do my warm up

and I sung.end of the road.then I started my verse back over again.

40:you did great.
Drake:beautiful voice.

Leah:do you guys want a snack.

40:all we have to do is listen to it then were done.

Me:why do you keep looking at the shisha?
Drake:wait you smoke hookah.
Me:sometimes.but that one is Leah she leaves it out all the time.mines is put up in here.why you want to smoke?
Me:let me get it .flavor?

I went to the closet .i grabbed the shisha and blueberry.

And I grabbed mine.strawberry.

Me:here you go .

We smoked and listen to it .

Drake:ok I like it.
Me:it cool it has a chilled down beat to it.
40:well were finish here.
Me:ok thanks.

He walked out.

Me:please don't show up at my house .
Drake:I tried but you didn't answer.
Me:my bad
Drake:I have feelings for you.
Drake: do you or do you not feel the same?
Me:I do actually.

Drake:well bye I'm going to Toronto .
Me:ok wish you a safe trip.
Drake:thanks bye

He hugged me.

They walked out .i went to my room.i took my clothes off..then I took a shower then I notice.that my clothes and my towels .are in the dryer and its on the other side of the house.

I ran quickly to Leah side of the house.until the front was Drake

I yelled "turn around ".
Drake:all I want is to get my phone.

Then I ran to Leah linen closet and I got a towel.

I walked back to my room.

Drake:nice curves,your boobs are like wow. And the ass is look good when you come out the shower.i wish I was your neighbor.
Me:accidents happen.all my towels are in the dryer.bye
Drake:bye .

I locked the door.

Leah:what happen?
Me:you don't want to know but let's record this song?

Me:ok I'm in love with someone but I love the other person more.


I recorded then I went to sleep.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now