I love him

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3 weeks later.

I'm at home it looks like my house is close up.I'm kind of relaxing I have so many photo shoots next week.so I'm at home right now.Leah is on vacation with her boyfriend.and its one of the lazy days.I laying around bed.watching Tv and on my door rung.

I have a oversize shirt and some boy shorts.

I looked on house tablet it showed Drake.

Me:can you wait in the living room.let me get dress.

I press the unlock button.

I went in my room and changed.into some yoga pants.

I hugged him.

Me:hey I haven't talk to you in a little while.
Drake:yeah Im visiting NYC for signings,and surprising people.
Drake:thanks so how are you doing?
Me:good relaxing.
Drake:on this beautiful day.
Me:yeah I have the house to myself .
Drake:where is Leah?
Me:oh with her boyfriend in Miami.
Drake:well want to get a grab of something to eat.
Me:sure let me get dress.

I got ready .then he drove Me to this restaurant.we put some sunglasses on.then we walked to the restaurant .

We sat down.we ordered.

Then these two kids ran to our table.

Littleboy:hi my name Joshua .
Me:hi Joshua how are you ?
Joshua:good your pretty.
Me:how old are you?
Me:your so handsome.

Drake pov

I felt a tug on pant.i looked down it was a adorable little girl.

Littlegirl:your Drake.
Me:yes i am and what's is your name?
Me:you look like a princess .
Princess:thank you.

I looked at Adrianne she was talking to the little boy.she is so good with kids.

Adrianne pov

A lady ran to our table.

Lady:I'm so sorry for these two.
Me:it's ok their so cute .
Lady:thanks wait your Drake and your the singer Adrianne.
Lady:can I take a picture.
Me & Drake:sure

We took the pictures.then we sat back down.

Me:one day I want amazing kids like them.
Drake:so have you found a release date for your album.
Me:I'm thinking December 21.
Drake:I'll help get it out.

We ate then we went back home.

Drake:I never got to talk to you after the party.what did you want to say?
Me:I forgot..oh I love you.
Drake:I wanted to asked you can you be my girl?
Me:yes do you want it to be public?
Drake:not if you don't want it to be.
Me:let's keep it private.until a certain point of time.
Drake:ok I got a question ?
Drake:can I see you in the lingerie I bought you.

I changed into it.

Drake:you are so beautiful.

Me:I'm think about losing it.
Drake:you want to wait.
Me:no how about tonight.

He kissed me from My stomach to my lips.

Then the moment went on....
drake:you have a Ps3 or an Xbox ?
Me:Leah has all that.

I walk to her side.

We played football games,grand theft auto 5,and call of duty .

Drake:you know how to play.
Me:yep Leah taught me.
Drake:can she teach me to play like that.
Me:yeah if can catch her she goes to different city all the time or with her boyfriend.
Drake:want to go somewhere.
Me:like where.
Drake:well we will put something on that people won't know it's me and you.
Drake:can't tell you.but pack a bag.
I put my clothes.then I packed. he drove my Benz.

I fell asleep in the car.i woke up.

Me:where are we?
Drake:here in the hamptons.
Me:what, did you just say the hamptons.
Drake:yes truth is I want to spend time with you.im going to be busy all next week and week after.
Me:you drove all the way out here.
Drake:yeah I secretly own a house out here.no one knows that we're here.and we're going to dress in decise .

He pulled up at a house.he unlocked the door.

Drake:welcome to my house.
Me:it so cozy.

.he lit the fire place.and we cuddle.

Drake:you know I love you right.
Me:yes I love you too.
Drake:I really meant that.I want this relationship to last forever.
Me:no matter if its people or fame.
Drake:yes let's keep it private until 6 months.
Me:ok .you know I like romantic things like this.
Drake:no i didnt ,but I'll do it more often.
Me:I never told anyone this but I have a necklace it's my mom.i always wear it ,it brings me good luck and helps me write songs.this was the last piece my mom wore.
Drake:it complements you.
Me:listen I'm thinking about doing country songs,then pop and rap.just to try it out.
Drake:you should really do it if that's what's on you mind.that would be good .working with the best artists .
Drake:I'm doing a own it video and I want you to be in it.
Me:ok that's fine.

My phone started to ring.

Leah:hey where are you ?
Me:I'm with Drake.
Leah:ok wait are you and Drake ?
Me:yes sure whatever.
Leah:I knew it.
Me:yeah sure.ill talk to you later.
Leah:bye girl

I walked back over to Drake.

Drake:are you ok .
Me:yeah what we're you saying?
Drake:did you get ready for the Grammies .
Me:yes you don't have to worry about...

Drake kissed me .

Me:is this a nice way to shut me up?
Drake:no but let me massage you back then your feet.

He massage my back and feet.then I massage his back and legs.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now