The stay 3

36 2 0

September 16,2013
15 hours later..

Drake:I'm sorry
Me:your cool its me.
Drake:what's wrong.
Me:I would but.
Drake:it's cool.

The power came back on .

Me:I should pack back up.
Drake:your leaving me already.
Me:yes I'm sorry .
Drake:it's cool.ill see you later.

I walked to my room and packed.

Me:I'm flight is in a hour .

He drove.

Me:who house are we at?

We went was men I noticed chubbs.

Drake:what's up 40.we have a guest.
Me:hey I'm Adrianne.
Chubbs:hey Adrianne
Drake:meet Johnny,obbrien,niko,Ryan.

Drake:I want to finish recording this song can you get the beginning .


I went inside the studio.

Me:I have sing my warm up song.
Drake:no need to sing.

I did the intro.

Me:where's the bathroom.
40:down the hall to the left.

I went to the restroom.

I looked at myself I. The mirror.

I sung rehab.

Then I went to studio.

Me:Drake it's time.
Drake:ok I'll be back.

Drake:time goes fast.

He took me to the airport.

Me:thank you for the stay.i loved it.
Drake:your welcome.

I hugged him.

Then I was chased by paparazzi's.

Me:what do you want ?

I ran to my plane ...

I arrived at my house safely.

I called Leah .

Me:hey where are you?
Leah:I'm in Los Angeles.
Everything ok.
Me:yeah it was a big storm in Toronto and NYC.
Leah:oh I have a gig in L.A.
Me:ok well I'll be In NYC.

I called Trey .

Me:hey did you want to schedule the video this week.
Trey:I just did that I was going to call you.
Me:when is it this week .

I went in Instagram and post a picture " what should I name my album im thinking Confessions or A2 some of the comments were in memory or Adrianne.

Me:I called In my flight .since Saturday is tomorrow .

I packed all my clothes for LosAngeles .then I walk to the studio.i sung what was on my mind.then my phone rung.

Drake:hey did you make it safe?
Me:yes I'm sorry
Drake:what are you doing?
Me:making music.
Drake:can I hear?
Me:um well's not really finish.I'm was in the middle of singing.
Drake:ok I wanted to ask you are you going to BET awards ?
Drake:can you go with me?
Me:I'm sorry Trey asked me out .
Drake:it's cool.
Me:well I'll get back to you.

I finish my song Confession .its about my previous relationship how he dumped me two days i put the dates on the song.and how after the VMA's and after I drop some of my songs men hit at me because of my looks.but really I'm in love with two men.then I started to rap on some other stuff.

I recorded then I let Leah hear it.she liked it.

i listen to it for a hour.while doing things.trying to see if I feel the song.then I danced to some of my mom songs.

Then went to sleep.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now