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February 20, 2017

I'm in NewYork I just walked in the VH1 building for us to discuss.i walked us to the lobby desk slowly.

??:Hello I'm Suzanne may I help you?
me:hello I'm Adrianne I have an appointment with CEO Phil ?
Suzanne:yes he's on room 2011 on the twenty floor.
Me:ok thank you.

I went on the elevator then I went to room 2011.

Me:hello Phil
Phil:hello Adrianne it's an honor to meet you.
Me:it's a pleasure meeting you too.
Phil:so I want to do a movie about told me some high lights.
Me:yes I those are just some.
Phil:would you suggest and actors that would play your part?
Me:no I was going to put that together.I'm not very sure.
Phil:ok well we found people that look similar to the real people.were just trying to find someone for you?
Phil:we will start making it when ever we find a someone to play you.
Phil:so everything is settled just have to find a Adrianne.
Me:ok thank you.

Only thing I could think of is asking Keshia Chante.i called her.

Keshia:hey Adrianne.
Me:hey I have a movie and I can't find anyone to play my part your the only one i think could be perfect.would you think about it?
Keshia:yes I will can I talk to you in person about it.
Me:ok well I'm in New York now.i could stop by 106 & park .
Keshia:ok well I'll see you here.

I drove through traffic.then I finally found me a spot to park my car.i walked to the entrance.i changed into some jeans and a Versace sweatshirt.

Keshia Chante and bow wow and I hosted then it went to commercial.i went on Instagram and took pictures "they say life is like a box of chocolate never know what your gonna get".i met some of my fans.

Then back to the show.

BW:we're here with Ms.Adrianne.
Me:this was a total surprise.
BW:everything you do is a surprise.
Me:well I don't want to be one of those artist where you can they plan is too short to plan ahead just do it.
BW:is there any music coming out?
Me:no I just had the baby.and I think I'm going to relax.
BW:what type of music of music are you doing ?
Me:country,r&b,pop,rap,thug and I'm doing some Hispanic songs.just to name a few.
BW:wow is anybody going against her.

I said the joint of the day.then after the show discuss the movie to Keshia she agreed.

I went home.then I laid down and went to the VIP room.and dance to all the time.then I ate me something to eat.then I FaceTime Drake.

Drake:hey how are you?
Me:good i miss my baby.
Drake:well she's sleep in her bed.
Drake:I love you so much.
Me:love you too ill be there soon.

I packed my things up the. I flew to Toronto.i fell asleep on the jet.

I got off then I drove home.

I opened the door.i heard princess laughing.

I quietly walked to the living room.seeing Aubrey standing princess up.then princess looked at me.i walked over to the couch and sat down.

Me:hey baby.

Princess started smiling at me.

Aubrey:what up with you surprising me every time you come back.
Me:I don't know.
Aubrey:I'm going to get you back.
Aubrey:the house is almost done in LA.
Me:I'm so happy about the house.
Aubrey:because it has your dream closet.
Me:not only that it's our dream house.

I took my coat off then I washed my hand .i sat back down and picked princess up.

Me:you look just like my mom.
Aubrey:wonder what she's going to look like when she gets older.
Me:right now she look like me but she's light skin.
Aubrey:she only got one thing from me.
Me:no she has your fullness on her eyebrows.
Aubrey:she's the most beautiful little girl ever.

I held her little hand and took a picture.

Me:Let me unpack my things.

I Put princess back in his arms.i unpack my little amount of clothes.then I washed up.

I walked out the bathroom and seen Aubrey laying down.

Aubrey:she went back to sleep.
Me:that was fast.
Aubrey:yeah you been in the shower for thirty minutes.

I crawled in the bed.and I laid on my side making me face Aubrey.

Aubrey:you know I love you right.
Me:yes you know I love you more.
Aubrey:yes how do you feel about life or death?
Me:well life happened already our death is coming some time in life.
Aubrey:what if something happens to me?
Me:I would go crazy.
Aubrey:would it be ok if something happens to one of us and one of us to dates another person?
Me:yes you can just waste your whole life crying over me.or find someone who really loves you.

Aubrey:how many kids did you want?
Me:I wanted six three girls three boys.
Aubrey:that's a lot.
Me:yeah that's why we got an early start.
Aubrey:maybe next year another one.
Me:yeah maybe.
Aubrey:you look beautiful in the dark.
Me:so do you.

We just stared at each other.

Me:I'm started going back to my good girl ways.
Aubrey:that's good.
Me:come with me.

I got up and started walking to the studio.

He turned everything on.and I just started singing.i just made at least five songs.

Aubrey:I like it but I have to go to bed I have a flight in the morning.
Me:ok let's go back to bed.

We walked back to bed and I fell asleep.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now