The interview

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July 10,2014

I just finish shooting the last scene .I'm in Toronto.

I have a interview to go to right now .i walked in .

Cassia:hello we're here with the beautiful Adrianne.
Me:hello everyone.
Cassia:so your album dropped about five months ago everyone is waiting on for the singles to come out do you have a date?
Me:well this month like next week.because this week was an overload doing a lot activities and etc.
Cassia:and everyone is dying to know when are you and Toronto's very own Drake is going to get married?
Me:um we are still engaged
Cassia:so are there any babies coming soon. not anytime soon because our schedules are busy.when our career isn't moving super fast then that would probably be the time or something.
Cassia:some people think that you show too much of your life on Instagram how do you feel about that.
Me:well that's the only way I express myself beside music are through pictures.and that's how you keep up with it's not exposing my life on Instagram.i do have boundaries on what I post and and not to post.i read some of my comments like "I don't like Adrianne ".im thinking why are you in my page.your just a secret admire that's a little jealous.
Cassia:do you think Drake is a private person?
Me:he's a very private person.hes not really a social network person.he love being around family and fans physically .
Cassia:awh that's nice .thanks for spending your time with us.

I drove home .and I took my shoes off.

Me:hey Aubrey
Aubrey:hey how are you?
Me:excellent and you?
Aubrey:better than ever.
Me:on the couch playing gta in your pjs .
Me:not after what I'm about to tell you.

He turned the tv off.and looked at me.

Me:I went to the doctor they told me that my voice as in my singing voice is gone.
Aubrey:no it's not just believe .
Me:I am still believing .its just I'm going to rap and act and model more.
Aubrey:good plans.
Me:I have like 3 albums that has songs on them but thats if something know.
Me:you get older by the second so live it up.
Aubrey:want to eat out?

He got ready .then I drove to the restaurant.

Aubrey:you know I'm doing a video for own it.
Me:no I didn't know why.
Aubrey:well I want you to know that I want you to be in it .

We drunk our wine and went home.

I packed up my things .to do a interview in the morning.then I sat on the couch.

Me:I feel like I did everything in the world .
Drake:I feel like too .
Me:I want to go skydiving .
Drake:um ok.
Me:it seems kind of fun.
Drake:and dangerous.
Me:yeah got your point.can you drive me to airport.

He driving to the airport

Me:pull over.
Drake:what's wrong.

I climb over to his side.we made out .

Drake:um that was a good moment.
Me:I don't want to leave .
Drake:I'll see you when I'm in. NYC which is in 3 days.

He drove to the airport.i got check then I checked the jet.

I walked in the house.i unpacked and wash the clothes .then went to sleep.

Next morning . July 11,2014

I got up and got ready.then I drove to my interview.

Kelsie:hello Adrianne.
Kelsie:so tell me about why did you start rapping?
me:well I'm actually good at rapping .and i learn that I'm on a early stage of lossing my vocal nodules so my doctors said I can't sing for six months.
Kelsie:we hope you going to ok.
Me:if I can't get my voice back.i have many back up plans.
Kelsie:so on Instagram you and big Sean took a picture .
Me:ok sean is my bestfriend we go back before he was famous but gossip websites don't know about our friendship.and it got started with mediatakeout which is a gossip website ran by a adult that don't know how to spell.

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