Time with Eric

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Hours later its 7 am.i see a huge crowd of paparazzi's on the other side of the airport.I'm at the airport I texted Eric .

Me:where are you?
Eric:where you see the big yellow signs.

I ran towards him and hugged him.

Me:I haven't seen you in forever.
Eric:I know we'll catch up want some breakfast?

I looked back .i seen paparazzi's running towards me.

Eric:just get in the car and I'll get the bags.

I got in his Porsche .then he drove off.

We pulled up in Waffle House.

Me:I always seen this but never tried it.
Eric:good place to because its twenty four ,seven .

We ordered our food to go then we went to his house.

Eric:I know it isn't not much compared to your life.
Me:your home is lovely it doesn't matter as long as I have you and we're safe.
Eric:That's is why I love you for who you are.
Me:same over here.
Eric:so I kept something I was suppose to give to you a long time ago.but we left earlier than I expected.
Me:you kept something for me this long.
Eric:for the person I love the most in the world.

He had a box then he got out a gold necklace.

Me:awh your so sweet.thank you.
Eric:you never changed your ways.always a loving person that's honest.
Me:your a down to earth guy under all those muscles.
Eric:you don't like them.
Me:I love them.

We talked for hours then I fell asleep.at 10 o'clock.

At 3:00pm I got ready.

Eric:we're going to the coca cola factory.

we went to coca cola factory.then we walked over (after meeting some fans)to the aquarium.we looked at the fishes then we sat down.

Me:these fishes are beautiful.
Eric:well I have good,lovely,beautiful fish next to me.
Me:well I been in the sea and I seen many of fishes but I never seen one so unique like you.
Eric:I was going to ask you something?
Me:what is it.
Eric:what made you post a picture of me and you?
Me:I miss you it's like nobody out of my high school friends knew your number.so I post a picture and you could of been following me you never know.i want to find.

Eric:I was actually.
Me:I don't check my Instagram because I get likes,mentions,followers around the clocks.
Eric:I'm so happy I get to see you.
Me:I'm so happy I could cry.
Eric:don't cry.

I laid my head on his shoulders .he wrapped his arm around me.and we watched the fishes swim.

Eric:are you hungry?
Me:a little.
Eric:well let's go.

We walked to the car he drove to the restaurant big daddy's.i remember I went here before when I was on tour.

Me:I tried to stay away from it but this is so good.
Eric:you know about this place.
Me:yeah a lot.
Eric:so that's how you get all of that.
Me:all of what?
Eric:your butt.
Eric:is it bigger than nicki's ?

We ordered our food.and ate.

Eric:wanna catch a movie?

Soon as we get up I start seeing flashes.

Eric:they are highly annoying.
Me:Los Angeles is the worst place to be at then comes New York so this isn't really nothing.
Eric:how can you do this?
Me:just something you have to put up with.

We walked to the car and we went to the movies.then we went home.

I washed up.

Me:what made you wait on me?because I know you go many offers because you are good looking and smart.
Eric:i had a few.I just knew you were going to come back.
me:I actually still love you and I still feel sparks like when we were young even though I didn't know anything about love.
Eric:I don't think anyone did.
Me:picture time.

I took some pictures.

Me:I remember when you were on the basket ball.you use to say "I'm going to be pro basketball player.
Eric:remember "I'm going to be the best singer.in the industry."
Me:and were both are living our dream.you want something to drink?

I went to kitchen and I poured lemonade.then he wrapped me with his arms.and kissed me on the cheek.

Eric:I love you.
Me:I love you too.
Eric:you know I like you still and I want to be with you.
Me:I feel exactly what you feel it's just I didn't want to move this fast because we just seen each other for the first time in like eight years.
Eric:I get what your saying its just I'm so happy to see you.
Me:I am too.

We sat back down.

Eric:what do you want in the future?
Me:husband and a kid I did everything I wanted.what about you?
Eric:I want you and a beautiful child.
Me:stop it your kidding right...right...
Eric:no not even a bit..
Me:awhh ok..
Eric:I told you I have really strong feelings about you.
Me:me too but..

Eric kissed me.

Eric:just relax.let me tear down this wall you have.

Me:your phone is ring..

He kept kissing me..then he went to answer the phone.

Eric:I have Practice tomorrow at 11:00.you want to come with me?
Me:yeah I'm going with you.
Me:well I'll be getting ready for tomorrow.
Eric:ok good night.

He kissed me.

I went in my room.i got ready.then I went to sleep.

Next day...

@ 9:30am I got ready.then I woke up Eric.while I waited on him I fixed us something to go.
He drove to practice.

He practiced then he took a break.

Me:good job on the throw.
Me:can I get a kiss.
Eric:I'm all sweaty.
Me:I don't care.now can you bend down so I can kiss you your so tall.
Eric:I love that your so short.
Me:yeah so you can tease me.
Eric:kind of.
Me:well I think it's time for you to go back and practice.

He finish then I he got ready.i met the players.

Me:let's go get something To eat i know your starving.
Eric:I could get something to eat.
Me:what do you want?

He drove to Applebee's. Paparazzi's were chasing me.we ordered our food

me:I'm going to be leaving tonight at eleven.
Eric:I enjoyed your company.
Me:I enjoyed yours too.hopefully your can come to LA to visit me.
Eric:I will one day.really soon.like in a couple off weeks.
Me:can't wait.
Eric:we're having a game there so I'll be there.

We ate our food then we went to the house.he lives in a high rise.

I packed my bag up then I walked to the window (which is to the ceiling to the floor.)

He wrapped his arms around me.

Me:I never looked at this amazing view.its beautiful.
Eric:I always wanted to have a view like this.
Me:now you do.
Eric:I also have my girl..

he kissed me.my phone rung..

Me:ignore it.
Eric:I love you.
Me:love you too.

Blah blah blah..


I woke up eric arm was wrapped around me

Me:Eric I have to get ready.
Eric:I want you stay.
Me:I wish I could but time.
Eric:promise we won't let time come in between us.
Me:I promise.

i got ready to go then Eric drove me to airport.

Eric:I'll get your bags.
Me:thank you.i had a great time.
Eric:your welcome.

I kissed him.then I ran to my jet .

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now