In love maybe...

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I woke ready then my security came with me. and went to the studio to meet Leah.

Me:let's record.

I recorded the song and edited it .

Leah:nothing really but what's on your mind?
Me:so I went to Mexico and I went to a club.
Leah:was it fun.
Me:yeah but I meet this mysterious man name Mario I have to know more about him.everyone saying stay away from him he's dangerous.
Leah:is he good looking?
Me:yes he is.
Leah:if everyone keep saying that stay away.

Hour later..

Me:ok let go get something to eat.

I drove to the restaurant.paparazzi's are chasing me while I'm trying walk in.

Me:these paparazzi's are killing me.
Leah:I'll hate them too.

I looked back at my menu.we ordered

Leah:so Bryan proposed to me.and I said yes.
Me:awwh congrats Leah you two so are so cute.
Leah:can you help me with the wedding?
Me:I would love too.

We ate our food then we departed .i went home.then I cleaned up.then I watched Tv.i called Angelina and the family.

Angel:hey how are you?
Me:good hows abulita ?
Me:can you guys come to Los Angeles ?
Angel:I'll have to call off so well grace .
Me:ok call me.
Angel:grace want to talk to you.

Grace:get us out of here.
Me:what's wrong?
Grace:can i take that offer to move to Los angeles .we just need somewhere to start fresh .
Grace:thank you .
Me:well tell everyone to pack their things I'll send a car the back way by tomorrow night.don't tell anyone.can I speak to abulita.

(She's speaking Spanish I'll translate it to English)
Me:hi abulita do you mind coming to live with me in Los Angeles ?
Abulita:I don't want to move because I grew up in this house.
Me:Well grace,Angelina,and dad are coming here .i don't want you to stay there alone.
Abulita:ok I'll move.
Me:abulita pack up all your clothes and other items that's important to you.
Abulita:ok bye bye

I looked in the garage I only had my Benz (car),range rover(truck),and my Lamborghini and Bentley,and my escalade .then I have 5 more slots in the garage.i drove to Walmart to get some household items (tissue,soap,deodorant,shampoo,food) I stopped and took pictures with fans.when i came out the store there were a huge swarm of paparazzi's coming towards me.i yelled "back off" one of the paparazzi's came closer.i knocked the camera out of his hand and started punching him. then I went to a restaurant and sat down and ate.then I went home.

I took a bath ,clean up the house then I watch some movies.i listen to the song i just recorded over again. then my phone rung (unknown)

??:hello Adrianne this is Lisa .i wanted to interview you.i haven't talked to you in two years or so.
Me:ok well I'm in Los Angeles I have to be here.
Lisa:I'll catch a flight how about in a week or so.
Me:ok Wednesday at 2.
Lisa:that is fine thank you.
Me:your welcome.

I went to sleep.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now