The ellen show

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The album has released everywhere.I'm in Los Angeles.i driving to Ellen.

Ellen:hello Adrianne how are you?
Ellen:so you have a surprise album no one knew about.
Me:yes one day I decide let me drop these two albums out.i out of the blue did it.
Ellen:everyone is asking you are you making a song with Beyoncé ?
Ellen:I notice that in your have did many things other people as in musical artist never did?
Me:yes I have work with people that are extremely creative.i didn't want to be the artist that was like everyone had to be different to achieve you goals.
Ellen:also congrats on being married.her wedding was absolutely beautiful.
Me:thank you it was was in the Hamptons
on the beach.i have some pictures.

I showed a few.

Ellen:what else are you doing?
Me:what is there to do now I mean I have been an singer,rapper,actor,model,business woman,fashion designer,tech designer,dancer,tourist performer,a wife I been a judge for one day on x factor if that counts.
Ellen:you have been off of the finger of things.
Me:yeah it's time for me to sit down in life once again.i travel around the world.explore things.did everything on my bucket list.
Ellen:so you going to retire?
Me:well for certain time something like a year or so.kind of you know be normal some how.
Ellen:get Adrianne self title album Adrianne and angel perfume.

I went home.everybody was out of the house.

I went in the room and found Aubrey sleep.i changed into so comfortable sweats and tank when I felt Aubrey soft touch my waist.

Me:hey how are you.
Aubrey:good.I'm going to be going back to Toronto in a couple of days.
Me:want me to come?
Me:I can't wait till I get to know if it's boy or girl.
Aubrey:I can't either.
Me:I thought Ellen was going to ask me if I was pregnant.
Aubrey:I did too but you could of told her it don't matter to me because their going to find out sooner or later..
Aubrey:sit down.

He massaged my feet.

Aubrey:your feet get Swollen when you pregnant?
me:I'm very aware.
Aubrey:you so beautiful.

Aubrey:want to go get something to eat?
Me:I just got undress.
Aubrey:I'll help you put it back on.

He got ready.i put my clothes back on.then drove somewhere to eat.

Aubrey:so how has the baby been?
Me:she is great.
Aubrey:hopefully it's a boy.
Me:I think im going to put a reservation in to the hospital here.I wanted you & Ms.graham here if she would like.
Aubrey:ok well I'll ask her.
Me:how's the music going?
Me:let's take classes for the baby.
Me:I no longer model for Victoria secret now.
Me:I'm not skinny like everyone else.
Drake:don't worry about them .that means that something big is coming your way.
Me:awh I swear when you say things you make everything ok.
Drake:that what I'm suppose to do.

He kissed me.we ordered.

Drake:why don't you want to have the baby in Toronto ?
Me:I didn't even think about it.
Drake:my family is Toronto.
Me:you sounded as if I don't have family.if you want the baby to be born in Toronto just say it.
Drake:ok we'll talk about it later.
Me:just say yes or no because I'm trying to make an reservation.
Drake:I want the baby to be born in Toronto.
Me:ok I'll be in Toronto for my last month. Abulita & dad is coming with me.
Aubrey:ok well I'll have room for them.

Adrianne HaughtonWhere stories live. Discover now