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December 16 (Saturday)

Adrianne POV

I woke up looking around the room which had clothes all over it . Then I felt a arm get tighter I turned around.
Me:what the fuck happened last night?
August:We were both drunk but you was past drunk.You were in a sexual mood and you grabbed me and you started kissing me and I aint gon lie I started doing some freaky shit to you.
Me:what the fuck I can't believe i did that my memory will comeback slowly.
August:you are super freaky when you drunk.

Me:where are my Clothes.

August:everywhere .

I got up as soon as I started walking my feet were so swollen . I pick my clothes on then I put my under clothes on the my pants which takes a billion years to get into.

August:I could look at you for a lifetime.

I giggled.

Me:you know you said that outloud right?

He was just staring at me.

August:ill walk you to your room.

I grabbed my purse.then we walked to room.

August:hope you dont mind being alone until the concert?
Me:no ill find something to do.

We hugged then he walked off.I got freshened up.Then Drake called me.

Drake:Hey what are you doing?
Me:sitting down im about to go to the spa ,do you have baby?
Drake:no I'm not about to go to Compton right now.
Me:so why are you calling me.
Drake:see where are you were.
Me:somewhere safe.
Drake:i miss you.
Drake:I need you.
Me:Aubrey I..

I hung up . I walked to the spa . Then I got me something to eat then I got ready for the concert.The limo picked me up and dropped me off at the stadium. I walked to the VIP section.And the concert started Trey and August performing then security guards walked me to my entrance of the stage . I started playing the piano then we sung our song at the end of the song he gently grabbed my hand and guided me infront of the crowd.

Me:August is such a gentleman.
August:thanks for performing with me.

He gave me a hug.Then walked me down to the being a social butterfly I talked to a lot of people and couple of guys gave me their this time it was 4 in the morning August was ready to go we hopped in the Limo.

August:Dria do you want to something to eat ,im starving
August:want some captain Jays?
Me:yeah thats my favorite restaurant.

The limo pulled up to the Captain Jay's. He ordered a pan of chicken and fries.

Me:August I swear you trying to make fat with all this good food.
August:I am just in the right places.
Me:Do you remember what I said to you yesterday?
August:you cracked mad jokes and you said you liked..

Cashier:here your chicken and fries see you around August.

He grabbed the two pans.

Me:one of the happiest moments of my life.
August:21 questions..
August:whats the best decision you ever made?
Me:being finicially independent at 18 because I would got married after I graduated college . and live a life I didn't want to live.
August:When did you lost your virginity?
Me:when I was twenty one
August:would you rather date a famous man that treat you wrong.Or a man with very little money and treats you like you suppose to.
Me:Man with no money ,but has much respect for me because we can both create an empire.
August:In high school what was your hustle?
Me:I use to promote parties and I did hair and I sung.
August:What are you mixed with?
Me:My dad is hispanic and Puerto Rican and my mom is black and native american.
August:where did you learn how to kiss like that?
Me:Thats just how my lips move.
August:are you single,you don't have to answer if you...
Me:no your fine I feel very comfortable telling you things about myself . I am single I'm still legally married to Drake.It didnt work out because he cheated on me.
August:my bad ma didnt mean to ask that question.
Me:August its cool I'm a open person.I wish my marriage was still strong,When I had my daughter we start distancing from each other I learned that he was seeing this woman.
August:Have you ever felt like this one person was the one but you chose someone else?
Me:yeah actually a man liked me since I was twenty but I told him that I wanted to be single Then i started getting known for my songs and me being my mother daughter life moved on then I got married, during my separation he kind of made me regret getting married to Drake.
August:sometimes you gotta learn from you mistakes.
Me:how about your hustle?
August:I sold drugs,I thought it was cool at the time i made good money but it was situations you wouldnt understand unless you went through.
Me:I dont usually tell people this but I feel ok telling you this.I use to be a drug dealer too.I did some stuff back when I was eighteen.I remember one time I was on the porch with my bestfriend Alayna we were in 7th grade and a blue car drove past and shot up the house she jumped in front of me.The bullet went past her chest.I remember holding her and listening to her last words.Her brother was a blood and they was trying to kill him.And they killed my bestfriend.
August:why did you get in the game you could of been a model?
Me:both of my bestfriend prince and Jordan were together Prince went to jail and Jordan was pregnant with my goddaughter he told he to take care of them.thats on reason and to pay my school debt.I told myself I would never work for anybody in my life.But all the things that happened before I became a dope dealer it was a sign to get out before its too late.

August:you a born hustler.
Me:you can say that...
August:I like that.
Me:are you romantic?
August:maybe in bed,but im a really simple person.
Me:have you ever just wanted to love someone and want them to love you even more.

We pulled up to the hotel.Security walked us to the elevator We got in then the elevator dropped.

August:elevator stuck.

We pressed the buttons nothing worked . so we sat there.

August:you told me you like me personalty you love the fact that I'm a real ass person.
Me:i said that..
August:yeah..I aint gon lie ma I like you too.

I started blushing.He turned towards me and start laughing.

Me:what I can't blush.
August:the biggest singer likes me.
Me:what ..I love people who have a good heart.

August walk towards me and he wrapped his hands around my waist.

August:I have a good heart.How about we take it slow.
Me:fine by me.

He kissed me on my neck

Me:There is a security camera right there so dont try to do no freaky stuff.

August laughed and he kissed me on my lips.

The elevator door started opening August let go of my waist .

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the elevator.The men that worked at the Hotel lead us to our rooms which was three floors up from where we were stuck at.

August walked me to my room.

August:can I come in?

I took my heels off.Then I took my clothes off and hit the shower then I got out.and I got in the bed.

August:so you just gon go to sleep on me.
Me:yes I only have four hours to sleep,your gonna keep me up all morning just talking.

Me:Not your baby.

He smiled at phone started ringing.I answered it.

Leah:hey what are you doing?
Me:laying down whats up?
Leah:can you fly to LA tomorrow?
Me:ill fly out at five thirty pm.
Leah:ok because I need to move in your house for a minute.
Me:whats wrong?
Leah:ill tell you when I get here.
Me:ok talk to you later.

I turned to August.

Me:I have to leave at five thirty.
Me:im sleepy so I'm so going to sleep.

He hugged me then he left my hotel room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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