Getting Started

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Scrambling, I run up the stairs, trying my fastest to get to Velv. I hear her screaming, but I'm confused, as I can't tell if it's good or bad screaming.

Bursting into her room, I see her screaming behind a pillow, hiding on her bed. Running to her, she hits me before opening her eyes. Looking at me like I'm a ghost, she points as her screaming stops.

My heart pounds, curious as to what could be in the corner moving frantically under a pile of Velv's clothes.

I move slowly, lifting the moving shirt before dropping it in surprise. A small, bright-colored creature stares back at me, its wild, pink hair standing straight up.

Its... a troll! A real troll!

I pick it up swiftly, looking it over while walking towards Velv. Her face lights up once she sees what it is, a smile blooming.

Velv: "Ven... do you know what this is?" 

She grabs him, holding his squirming body in her clutch. I watch his pleading eyes stare me down, panic-ridden as Velv grabs a perfume bottle.

She dumps it out in the bathroom, returning with the troll trapped inside. He bangs on the walls, yet soon realizes he can't get out.

Velv looks at me, a look in her eye I know all too well. Since we were kids, she's wanted to be great... to be something more than she already is. She has ambitions, yet the way she chooses to execute them isn't always something most would be proud of.

She places her hand on the bottle handle, making a slight spritz. A cloud of purple, glittery smoke emits, washing over Velv. She drops the perfume, her eyes glowing.

A beautiful, harmonious belt erupts from her, talents I've never seen her possess before... it must have come from the troll.

I know Bergens eat trolls to become happy, but we don't need to do that. Can we have their powers? I wonder how Velv found that out. Come to think of it, how did this troll end up in her room anyway-

Velv snaps me from my thoughts as she sprays right in my face. My first instinct is to move away, so I flinch, but the smoke smells good... like raspberries and chocolate, and instead of it coming out purple, it's my favorite shade of green.

Immediately, I feel the urge to sing... to dance... to perform. I jump to my feet, twirling before releasing a riff any top-of-the-line singer would be jealous of. Opening my eyes, the world around me has become tinted. I stare at Velv, noticing the same tint in her eyes. She giggles, and then we both erupt into laughter. She tosses the bottle onto her bed, grabbing my hand before running us out the door.

I think for barely a second about the troll trapped inside her bedroom, my mind preoccupied with my newfound gift. Velv runs us to my car and gives me directions to Mount Rageous Starz, MRS..

It's the most lucrative talent agency in Mount Rageous, and Velv has been dying to get us an audition. Due to self-evident reasons, everyday Rageons just don't get in. It's been her- our dream for so long, and now seems like our chance.

Velv: "C'mon Ven, hurry! I don't know how long this stuff will last, but I'm not taking any chances. This could be our chance to get to the top!!!"

I smile, excited to see her so happy about something she wants. I speed off, swerving through lanes to get us where we need to be. In a record, and illegal amount of time, we've arrived at the MRS. doors.

We park, Velv leading the way inside. I stare around in awe as some of the biggest artists' portraits I recognize from The Bop on Top are lined across the walls;
The Sage Boyz, Jaye Bee, Phat Sammy, and at the number one spot... Rollie Roy, with my all-time favorite song, "Earn that Gold"!

I stare into his beautiful, dreamy red eyes before hearing Velv squeal, seeing that she got us an audition. She grabs my hand, walking us into a dark room after the assistant. I don't question how she got us the audition; I'm assuming the troll magic had something to do with it.

We see three judges sitting, typing, or writing before noticing us. They direct their attention while staring us down. 

I'm so nervous! I didn't realize this would happen so fast.

I look at Velv, seeing her give a reassuring look... with a little bit of I'll kick your butt if this doesn't go well. It's enough for me, as "Applause" starts playing.

My fears immediately melt away as we sing, our voices harmonizing way better than we've ever been able to do. We dance and twirl, absolutely rocking this performance. I watch from the corner of my eye as the judges lean forward, whispering to each other while writing down.

The song ends as I get on one knee to show off Velv giving her amazing new riff. The music stops, and the judges stand, applauding us.

They come up, introducing themselves as the directors and head director of MRS., announcing that they want to sign us!!!

I'm completely shocked as Velv hugs and shakes me before jumping up and down and squealing. The directors shake our hands before bringing over papers for us to look over. While we do, Velv stops us, her face in shock.

Velv: "How much are we getting up front?"

Head Director: "1 million"

Velv: "And how many places are we going to perform?"

Head Director: "Everywhere that Jaye Bee or the Sage Boyz have been... and more. If you two prove good enough, we may have you guys perform at the Rage Dome instead of Rollie Roy. Right now, he's the competition."

Ven: "Aren't Rollie Roy, the Sage Boyz, and the rest of them signed under you guys as well?"

Head Director: "You didn't think we'd just give you all this if we didn't know you could be the best, did you? All those other performers were given the same basics as you two, and each has another they are trying to outperform. We can see your talent, though, and believe that you are already better than everyone but Rollie Roy... now's the chance to prove that we're right."

The Head Director's glasses glint, and a slight ping of worry rings in my heart. I look at Velv, watching her bite her lip, something she does in concentration. Velv always tells me she knows what's best, so I will let her take the lead. I look her in the eyes, telling her she can do what she wants.

She smiles, turning to the Head Director. She grabs the pen he's holding out to her, signing her name in glittery pink. I get the pen second, taking a deep breath before doing mine.

The directors clap, bringing over two small boxes. They hand them to us, watching us open them. Inside are gold earrings, two gold studs for Velv, and a gold hoop for me.

Head Director: "Keep up the good work, and you two can have whatever you want."

Velv stares at me in shock, holding the box to her heart. She smiles, looking like she wants to cry. We thank the directors before being escorted back outside.

To my shock, my old car, which I've had since freshman year of High school, is gone. In its place is a new, shiny white car. As Velv and I stare in shock for the hundredth time, I feel a pair of car keys be planted in my hand.

The MRS. assistant smiles at me before handing me a card and walking back inside. Velv grabs the keys, runs to the car, and enters the passenger seat.

I run to the front seat, taking in the new car smell. Opening my eyes, I finally see that the tint is gone. A ping of panic runs through me as I notice that Velv's tint is gone, too.

Ven: "Velvet, try to sing!" 

She looks at me, concerned I used her full name. She tries to sing, but her normal, flat tone croaks out. She stares at me, her eyes urging me to try. Nothing but sour notes and shrill shrieking emits, leaving me fully panicked.

Velv: "I guess the troll wears off, huh? At least we captured him; we can use him until we find something long-term."

I nod, noticing the card we were given. I read it out loud, its words leaving a lasting mark in my brain.

*To get to the top, you must work, and work hard. Nothing comes for free. Remember, we gave everything you have to your competition. Show the world what you've got, and you'll get the world, and more, in return.*—Mount Rageous Starz Management.

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