Frosty Drama

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Assistant: "Veneer? Someone would like to see you."

An assistant calls for me from behind the tent. I'm wary, but follow her voice. I'm met face-to-face with Dom and his brothers. I'm shocked, blinking rapidly to make sure I'm seeing things clearly.

Dom smirks down at me, holding my purse. His and his brother's blue outfits bring out the blue in their eyes so much that it hurts me to look at them.

Dom: "Hi, baby. You look... cute. You left your purse, thought I'd return it. Why aren't you sitting with us?"

Ven: "You know exactly why. I don't want the purse... you can keep it."

Dom: "C'mon baby, Velv gave it to you special. It... would be unfortunate to lose it."

I take the bag slowly, wincing as he grabs my wrist. His grip is so cold that it burns through me. He pulls me in, kissing hard. His breath is ice cold, his lips freezing against mine.

I push off of him, backing away. Dom laughs, turning away.

Dom: "You taste so good. We'll be watching. Do your best, baby."

I stare after them, watching Brandon and Johnny look at me blankly. Their eyes look brighter than I've ever seen; they don't look right. Something's definitely off as they walk out to the fans. In a second, they magically appear out of the elevator, even though they were just here with me.

I don't see any assistant either. I hurry back into the cabana, trying to look calm.

Velv and Rollie look at me confused, though I say nothing. If I start speaking, I'll cry. I drop my purse at the edge of the couch, Velv looking at me startled that I have the graduation purse she gifted me.

Assistant: "Veneer? Someone is here to see you."

Ven: "No! Not again, I can't."

Velv and Rollie look at me weirdly, though my guard goes down a little as Kid Ritz pokes his head through the back of the cabana.

I stand slowly, walking very cautiously out. It's really him. He looks so cute in a red and orange suit, yet it's hard for me to appreciate his looks through my frazzled nerves.

He opens his arms wide, but I'm afraid he'll turn into Dom, so I hold back from hugging. He notices my apparent fear, and concern flashes on his face.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer? Hey, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Ven: "I might've. Dom and his brothers just lured me out here. He gave me the purse I left at his apartment and..."

I'm too upset to continue. Kid Ritz gently grabs my hands, a shocked breath escaping his lips.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer! You're skin is freezing!"

Ven: "Dom... grabbed my wrist."

I pull up my sleeve, seeing fingerprints in ice blue coloring around my wrist. It hurts and stings, feeling like frostbite.

Kid Ritz. "You're lips are blue too! I thought it was your makeup."

Ven: "He... he kissed me. It was so hard, so terrible."

Kid Ritz gasps, looking upset. He looks around, looking like he wants to punch someone. His fists ball up, his jawline tightening.

I grab his arm, willing him to look at me.

Ven: "Hey... please don't get upset. We can talk about this later, but we both have a job to do."

Kid Ritz's face softens; he looks defeated. He holds both my hands, kissing each of them softly.

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