Balcony Blues

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Veneer POV:

The remainder of Thursday goes by without trouble, yet it heightens my anxiety for the show. I'm suspicious of the lack of activity. Any slight noise I hear automatically makes me afraid it's him.

When it's time for bed, I use my ring pop until I pass out, too afraid of anything happening that would keep me awake. When I wake, a sense of heavy anxiety overhangs my mind. Jewels and I have our run, yet it doesn't help with my energy as much as I'd hoped.

The morning to mid-afternoon drains on until it's time to get ready for the show. I take a long shower, wishing I could wash my anxiety away. Doesn't seem like I have powers for that, though.

Once I'm out of the shower, I add my contacts, not having to worry about hair or makeup. I pull on a black sweat set, adding black boots to finish the look. I lay back in bed, using my ring pop gingerly. My heart hurts from how anxious I am; the only thing I can think of strong enough to calm me is my green apple.

I eventually force myself to stop. I feel sick with stress, like anything and everything could go wrong. My phone buzzes, a text from Velv flashing on my screen.

Velv: *Ready to go in 15?*

Ven: *Yes.*

She leaves me on read, unsettling me more. It irks me when someone does that, though I can't explain why. Kid Ritz is the only one who makes a concerted effort not to, which I greatly appreciate.

I put my phone down, taking deep breaths to try to relax. I hear Jewels get up from her nap, bouncing over to me from her cage. She jumps on the bed, walking over to me. She climbs onto my chest, looking around my room while her tail flicks in my face.

The fuzziness from the end of her tail tickles me, making me laugh. She turns around so her head's facing me, sitting down to look out the balcony window. I begin petting her back, feeling better now that she's with me. I let my eyes close, trying my best to keep calm.

As my nerves lower, I feel Jewels tense, sitting up straight.

I open my eyes, following her line of sight to the balcony. That's when I see something so horrific I want to scream. Legs dangle over the roof, the pants identical to the ones Kid Ritz wore in the interview. I stare in disbelief at the limp body, unable to move or say anything.

Velv: "Hey, before we leave, do you- oh, fuck!"

Velv walks in, immediately seeing what I am. She gasps loudly, hurrying over to me.

Velv: "That... that's not really him... is it?"

I shake my head no, finally regaining control over my body.

Velv: "We... need to go... come on."

I pull Jewels into my arms, holding her close to my chest as I get off my bed.

Velv: "I'm going to get Floyd. Be right back."

She leaves me to tend to getting Jewels ready. I toss her leash and harness into her carrier, more focused on getting out of here than getting her leashed.

I turn my back to the balcony as I toss my ring pop into my tote. I watch the body's shadow swing in the wind on the floor, beyond upset over the implication of who it is.

Velv walks back in, Floyd gasping from his bottle as he sees what's behind me.

Ven: "Let's go."

I join them, walking downstairs stairs without giving the balcony a second glance. As we reach the landing of the first floor, I hear a loud, audible snap.

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