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Veneer POV:

The drive back home feels long and sad; I miss having his company. I finish another water by the time I return home, leaving the case in the car for future endeavors.

By the time I get upstairs, Jewels has made her way into the living room. She bounces over to me excitedly, holding her leash while thrashing it around.

Ven: "You wanna go on a run?"

Jewels: "Oo"

She gives me a squeaky "Oo" of agreement and holds very still as I put her in her harness.

We take a night run, going for a full hour. By the time we finish, her little body is exhausted. I carry her upstairs and tuck her in bed in her cage. She falls asleep quickly, prompting me to take cute photos of her.

Once I'm done, I head to Velv's, knocking on her door quietly.

Velv: "Come in."

I head inside, seeing Floyd passed out next to his bottle. I lay beside Velv on her bed, looking over her shoulder at her phone.

Velv: "Can I help you?"

Ven: "Why yes, you can! Thank you for asking."

She rolls her eyes at me, a slight smirk displaying across her lips.

Ven: "I want to talk to you about filming the apology video."

She looks at me, putting her phone down.

Velv: "I mean, what's there to talk about?"

Ven: "Well, where are we going to film it?"

She looks around, her eyes landing on her balcony.

Velv: "Let's film it with Mount Rageous as our backdrop; that'll make us look good."

Ven: "Ok, want to try to start filming by mid-morning?"

She nods, already going back on her phone.

Ven: "Ok, great talking with you. One last thing I want to run by you is my schedule for the week."

I tell her what each day entails, watching as she goes over it in her mind.

Velv: "You want to throw the party here?"

Ven: "If we could... Orchid would be there."

Velv's face burns a light blush that she tries to hide by coughing, yet I see it clearly.

Velv: "Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I say go for it; just don't invite weirdos."

Ven: "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

She waves me off, fully immersed back into her phone. I head to my room, taking a shower before getting the rest of the way ready for bed.

Crawling into my covers, a sense of loneliness overcomes me. I miss sleeping next to him... my heart feels so lonely without Kid Ritz. I scroll through my phone until videos and posts about myself overwhelm me.

I'd text Kid Ritz, but he still doesn't have his phone. I grab OJ, holding him close to my heart. After how intimate we were... it's hard not to have Kid Ritz here, holding my hand. I get up, grabbing my ring pop from the bathroom drawer before lying down.

I turn on my TV, flipping channels until I get to one that looks like something Kid Ritz's Mom would watch. It's a little crazy looking, a guy holding a girl in his arms while they bicker. It seems quite violent until he kisses her, easing the tension.

My mind starts to wander, imagining myself on the balcony, hot wind blowing flower petals around me. I use my ring pop, the high setting in as the show progresses. By the end of it, I'm too far gone to see how it concludes, slipping into my honey high once more.

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