Freezing Temperatures

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I manage to get inside and see Velv on the couch. She looks at me, confused.

Velv: "Is the door broken? It sounded like you couldn't get it open.

Ven: "It's... a part of what I went through."

I walk in, noticing the flat is way colder than the normal 69 degrees. I walk to the thermostat, seeing that it's still set to 69, my favorite number.

Velv: "Vener? What's wrong; you're freaking me out."

Ven: "Are you cold?"

Velv: "No... you're the one that set the thermo. You can change it, I guess."

I shake my head, sitting on the armchair to the left of the couch. I sit quietly for a second, piecing my thoughts together.

Ven: "Last night, Dom sent a car for me. We went to a restaurant, though he ordered for me, and didn't let me finish my food. It was a weird and chewy... animal. I'm not sure, but I was upset he was speaking for me; he acted like he knew what was best for me. And he had a glass of Chardonnay, breaking his promise to not drink in front of me, again."

Velv rolls her eyes, looking upset.

Ven: "Then, we went to the theater; he rented a theater and let me pick the movie I was telling you about wanting to see. Everything was fine until I texted Kid Ritz; Dom grabbed my phone and asked who I was texting. He acted weird and quiet once I told him who it was and he didn't speak for the rest of the movie. Once we made it into the car... he yelled at me."

Velv's hand closes into a fist, her knuckles tightening, though she keeps listening.

Ven: "Then, we went back to his apartment complex. It's called "The Jungle," and last night... I felt like prey being hunted. Oh Velv... it was insane."

My words trail off as I replay the night in my head.

Velv: "Focus, Veneer. What was insane?"

Ven: "His... pool. He took me upstairs for the first time; when I went over previously, we stayed downstairs, but I could hear running water right out of the elevator. Velv... he has a massive pool. When you walk inside the pool room, you feel all warm. His bedroom was the next room over, and inside of that was his bathroom. It's incredible, with a stream running through the floor. His bedroom was freezing; it felt colder than a stone floor would, but it was wood. His bathroom was just as cold."

Velv stays quiet, playing with the edge of her top.

Ven: "Velv... when I got in the pool... everything melted away. I could barely move... my mind felt so... slow. Dom got in after bringing drinks and playing quiet music. Everything felt so... muted. The music echoed in my head, and I felt even sleepier as I drank whatever he gave me. It got to the point where I was lying on his shoulder; he was holding me upright. That's when I realized something was wrong."

I take a shaky breath, trying not to cry.

Ven: "Not to be overly gross, but... he kissed me a lot, and gave me a love mark."

I show her my neck, which I failed to remember to show Kid Ritz. She gasps, her eyes looking at the bite.

Ven: "I pushed away from him and said I had to text you that I was ok. He... oh, he just looked at me with his horrific blue eyes, the scariest, calmest smile on his face. I struggled to make it through his room and to the bathroom; it was only a few feet, but I felt like I was going to pass out. When I got to my phone, it was nearly dead. I meant to call you... but I called Kid Ritz instead by accident. As he talked to me, I stopped being able to speak. It felt like... someone was controlling what I could and couldn't do. It took me so long to change, and once I was, he was blocking the door."

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