Small Chocolate Cake

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Feeling inspired by Jewels, I go through my closet, pulling out a purple hoodie and sweat set. It has pink hoodie strings, reminding me of Jewels' fur. I lay it on my bed, picking out my pink shoes that match the strings. 

I take a shower, feeling relaxed. Once I'm done in the shower, I get dressed and do my normal makeup. I fish through a box with all of my jewelry. I haven't got a lot, but I know just what to wear with my outfit. I put on my purple crystal choker and matching bracelets, adding my gold hoop for the final touch.

I look in the mirror; I look like the Mount Rageon version of Jewels. I spritz my perfume, thinking of a cute photo idea. I head to Velv's room, asking for Jewels for photos. My little monkey jumps on my arm, sniffing me where I sprayed perfume on my neck and wrists. I go to Velv's mirror, taking the cutest photos. I post to my Insta story, getting tons of swipe-up messages. Enough replies ask me to post on my feed, which I have no problems obliging. 

*Jewels and I decided to twin*

My phone goes off with more engagement than usual. Some celebrity pages like and comment; everyone seems to love Jewels as much as I do.

It's 6:30; I should get Kid Ritz. I pick Jewels off my shoulder, tickling her tummy before handing her to Velv. I kiss Jewels' head, taking in her sweet scent. 

Ven: "I'll see you two later."

Velv: "Have fun. Be careful, please. You have a monkey to come home to."

Velv says it playfully, but I can sense the seriousness behind her words. My last dinner outing nearly got me hypnotized or voodoo magicified, I don't know. But I don't think I have to worry about that happening at this one. At least, I hope it won't.

I grab Kid Ritz's folded clothes, rubbing my fingers over the soft fabric. Walking to the elevator, it hits me. "The chill", as I've coined it, is back. It wasn't here when Jewels was delivered; funny it's happening as I'm going to get Kid Ritz. I ignore it, taking the elevator down while calling for the car. The valet has it waiting for me, letting me get in and go.

I turn on pop music, trying to keep my mood lighthearted. I am so excited to take Kid Ritz to dinner; it will be fun. I drive towards the grocery store, searching for Kid Ritz's house behind it. I find his house, a little worried when I see no lights on. 

Ven: *I'm here.*

Kid Ritz likes my message, leaving his house a minute later. He walks around my car, looking towards the grocery store for a minute before getting in. Immediately, I sense something is different.

He looks tired, with dark circles under his eyes. His hands are in his hoodie pocket; maybe he's cold. His eyes are hooded like mine get when I'm rolling on troll. 

Ven: "I'm so happy you were able to come out. I have your clothes in the back."

Kid Ritz smiles, yet stays looking ahead of him towards the road. We pull off, Kid Ritz looking down at his lap. He doesn't pull his phone out, simply closing his eyes and keeping quiet. He seems exhausted; maybe he's been busy.

Ven: "When I was looking for places to go, I found a spot that looks calm. Velv likes big restaurants, but I wanted to keep things tame."

Kid Ritz: "That sounds good to me. I'm starving, so don't be alarmed when I order the entire menu."

I laugh, yet grow a little worried as his smile falls quite quickly. As we drive, I notice that he's fallen asleep. He must be exhausted; I feel bad I'm dragging him out. 

I turn the music down, staying quiet until we get to the restaurant. I called ahead to let them know we were coming; they were nice and accommodating. I guess that's one good thing Dom taught me to do. 

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