Veering Vanity

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Waking up is hard; my body feels confused and groggy. I sit up slowly, still feeling the effects of the high. I run to the bathroom, having to throw up. Once I'm done, I sit against my bathroom vanity, feeling the cool tile underneath me.

My heart races fast, but I think I'm ok. It takes me a hot minute to stand up, but once I do, I can get water and sit down on my couch. Checking the time, I see that it's already 2. I must have been out for a long time; I don't remember waking up once.

I sip my water, my head hurting badly. Of course, today is the day for me to feel crappy again, just in time for the show. I curl up on the couch, trying not to think of anything. Jewels bounces over, climbing onto my knees.

Ven: "Hi, sweetie. You hungry?"

She looks at me, her eyes wide and curious. I pick her up, taking her downstairs. I grab her fruit and feed her slowly. My energy has returned full send, making me fidgety. It eventually becomes too much, so I take us downstairs for a run.

I feel awful as I run, but it helps me to calm down. We leave the gym, going back upstairs to see Velv on the couch.

Velv: "Hey."

Ven: "Hey."

The energy in the room feels awkward; I don't know what to say.

Velv: "Why're you all sweaty?"

Ven: "We had our run. I... have to run; I have too much energy now, so it's one of the only things that helps."

She looks at me, nodding slightly.

Velv: "You're still doing the show?"

Ven: "I have to. I'm not going to disappoint the fans. Plus, I'd probably get in trouble with Management."

She bites her lip, looking stressed.

Velv: "Well, do you still have talent? Or will you have to have Floyd help?"

I think over the question, putting Jewels on the ground. I'm down for only a second before I feel sick again. 

Ven: "Aww, shit."

I run upstairs, getting to my bathroom to throw up. I didn't lock the door, so Velv can come right in.

Velv: "Why are you throwing up?! Are you sick?"

I can't say anything, just resting my head against the wall. I eventually regain my voice, yet it's hard to talk.

Ven: "It's just... something I go through sometimes. I had a rough night sleeping last night, and... it's catching up to me."

I breathe heavily, trying to regulate myself, yet my body is so shaky it freaks me out.

Velv: "Ok, well. Do you want me to go or..."

Ven: "I'll... just see you later. What... time are we leaving?"

Velv: "Six. They're giving us hair and makeup at the venue, so that's good."

I nod, closing my eyes as she walks out. I'm down on the floor for a while, eventually able to get up. I wash my mouth out, then brush my teeth. I sip more water, putting one of the liquid IVs I brought when this first started into the water. It helps, making me feel a bit better.

I take a shower, having to use the hot water sparingly. If it gets too hot, I start to feel faint. That's one other stress reliever I can't utilize right now. It frustrates me, but I push it out of my mind, instead focusing my attention on getting dressed in sweats.

I quickly put in my contacts, finding it easier each time I have to do it. My next task is to find Jewels and get her ready to go. I find her tunneling in the covers of my bed. I catch her and strap her in her harness and leash.

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