Green Apple Envy

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The weekend and Monday go by in a blur. I spend my time dancing and singing, finally finding a creative outlet to expel some of my energy. Nights have become difficult for me as I can't sleep well anymore if I don't use my ring pop. What is fun, however, is getting to dance and sing with the talent I've been given.

I use my new talents the most I can, trying and learning new flips, dances, and songs I see on TikTok and Insta. I feel so free when I move and sing, like this is what I was meant to do. I've stopped feeling sick, which I am very grateful for. I was worried the talent would fade with the sickness, but it hasn't so far.

One thing I have noticed is that Velv has been ignoring me. We had been on the best terms we'd ever been after our talk with Floyd, but over the weekend, she stopped talking to me. I can't lie that I miss her a lot, but I haven't let it stop me from having fun.

I hum "Under your Spell" as I practice calypsos in my room, genuinely enjoying myself before Velv opens my door.

Velv: "Hey, can you can it with all the singing? I get you have powers now, whatever. You sound pitchy, though, so maybe work on that so you don't embarrass us in the show."

She slams my door and walks away. My mood goes down exponentially... that really hurt my feelings. Wow, ok, I'm not in the mood to keep practicing anymore... She didn't have to be so mean. She's coming off as envious; she's the one that made us famous in the first place, why can't she be happy one of us doesn't have to rely on troll?

I grab my phone, feeling upset until I see a post on Insta that catches my attention.

*Magic Mic Night: Live for one night only, join us down at the "Magic Hat" for a night filled with performances of all kinds. All acts, cosplays, and songs are welcome; sign up by Monday.*

I've driven past the "Magic Hat"; it's on the way to Fred's store. A few butterflies fly through my stomach as I get an idea. I send the post to Kid Ritz, Orchid, and Fred in a group chat on Insta.

Orchid: *OH MY GOSH!*

Kid Ritz: *:0*

Fred: *Totally rad, I'm so down to go.*

Their responses make me excited; they seem genuinely interested.

Ven: *I'm thinking of signing up. Would you guys go with me? It'd be fun if we all performed.*

Their excited responses buzz through my phone.

Orchid: *I love this so much! What would we do?*

Kid Ritz: *Bikini*

Fred: *Bottom...*

Orchid: *BOOGIE*

Their messages confuse me... what's "Bikini Bottom Boogie?"

Ven: *?*

Fred: *"Bikini Bottom Boogie" is the song we skate to! We can totally do it; we know all the lyrics!*

Kid Ritz: *I vote... absolutely yes!*

Orchid: *I second that!*

Ven: *Alright, sounds like we've got our song. What can I do? I don't know how to skate.*

The group chat has different message bubbles pop up until Orchid seems to come to a conclusion.

Orchid: *We can have you do the hard, singing stuff. We can practice at the skatepark. Veneer, I'll send you the song!*

Orchid sends me a link to a song I've never heard of. It's catchy, though, so I think it'll be good. Plus, this is just for fun, so not as much pressure should be on me.

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