I Believe You

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Kid Ritz: "I... don't want you to leave."

The words bounce around my head, echoing.

I shake my head, tearing my eyes away. I turn to leave, yet Kid Ritz grabs my wrist. He gasps, dropping it.

Kid Ritz: "You... you are... why are you ice cold?"

I ignore his question.

Ven: "I think... I've been giving up since I realized how wrong everything has been; what I've done deems me deserving of punishment. I let the snowflakes keep falling, and over time, as I've given up... I accepted that this is what I deserve."

Kid Ritz shakes his head, picking my hand up again. His hand flies to his mouth, looking terrified.

Ven: "This is what I want to stop. I want to stop scaring and worrying you. It's not worth the anguish."

I pull my hand away, turning around.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer. You can't talk like that about yourself; it's not true. Look at me, please."

I sigh softly; I can't. I shake my head; walking away hurts so bad.

Kid Ritz: "You... are worth fighting for. I... want to keep fighting for you."

Ven: "Why... after everything that happened."

Kid Ritz sighs.

Kid Ritz: "I... love you. Yes, all of this hurt me so bad. But... clearly, this hurt you, too. From what you showed me, the messages, the painting... I... believe you."

An arrow feels like it's been shot through my chest, ripping my heart open. I burst into tears, covering my mouth, the other hand on my heart. I fall to my knees, weak with emotions, weak physically, just weak.

Kid Ritz drops next to me, pulling me into his arms. I sob into my hand, my head hurting from how hard I'm crying. Opening my eyes, I see my tears have frozen into tiny, glittery teardrops, trailing and falling off my hand.

Kid Ritz holds me, crying softly. I cry until I can't anymore, falling weakly against Kid Ritz. I pant, weak with exhaustion, lack of water, lack of food.

Kid Ritz: 'You're... so cold."

Ven: "I feel frozen. I... can't let the possibility of the same thing happen to you. That's why when you said you believed me, I..."

I can't finish my sentence.

Kid Ritz: "Oh, Veneer... deep down, I believed you. It didn't make sense; it was too perfect of timing. I mean, look at what he's done to you. Even the angles of the photos; either the frost is covered or not shown... it's too picture-perfect."

Ven: "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I don't love him at all. He kissed me; he gave me my first love marks. I thought it was you. I thought it was so special, so romantic. In reality... he stole that experience from me. He stole so much from me: my first kiss and romantic hand-holding. I want all of that to be with you, not him."

I cry more, feeling my neck, my jaw, my collarbone, everywhere his disgusting mouth was. I am even more disgusted I enjoyed it.

Kid Ritz grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb.

Kid Ritz: "He's... a monster. We can't take away from what he did. But... we can't give up. It almost killed you, and I'm not willing to let that happen. I love you too much."

Ven: "I love you too. That's all I thought was happening. You showering me with love; but looking back at it; it was all controlling. He took me to places you'd never go to; he said things you'd never say to me. He ordered for me again; he decided what we did, not letting me give input without questioning or making me feel stupid. Even him hugging me was rough. Kid Ritz... I'm scared. I need him to stop terrorizing me; it will kill me, and I think that's his end goal. He told me I'm worthless, I don't matter, I'm a cheater, to give up... and I believe him."

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