Mingling Madness

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The roof is stunning, with dark plants everywhere. Hundreds of lights on the floor twinkle, lighting up the guest's faces in shimmers. Glittery waterfalls and water fountains decorate the outskirts of the roof, with a big, beautiful stage in the back and center of the roof. I'm blown away as I notice hundreds of the same flowers we were gifted this morning are lined across the rooftop, nestled between plants.

I'm so in awe that I'm only snapped into attention by more camera flashes. We're escorted into the crowd and left to mingle. I hold Velv tight, noticing celebrities mingling. Nothing feels real as one of the Sage Boyz, Johnny, walks up to us. I'd have recognized his spiky white hair anywhere. He grabs Velv's hand, kissing it before giving me a bro hug. He invites us over to his cabana, where the other Boyz sit. They make room for us as we're handed a glass.

A reality check hits me as I look at the glittery pink contents; I don't know how to converse with these types of Rageons. I look at Velv, mimicking her polite yet relaxed posture. She looks so elegant in the light; I wish I could be as composed as her.

Johnny speaks up, introducing the members of his group, which consists of him and his triplet brothers.

Johnny: "I'm Johnny, of course; this is Brandon, and this is Dom."

I look at Brandon happily, admiring his hair. It looks like a melting glacier, with his deep blue part melting away to white at the tips. After I stop staring at his hair, I feel my breath be taken away as I look into Dom's piercing blue eyes. Immediately, I feel a connection between us. His smile falters a little, and his eyes seem to glow even brighter as he looks me up and down.

I'm brought back to the present as Velv smiles, touching my forearm lightly while introducing us.

Velv: "I'm Velvet, and this is Veneer, my brother."

Ven: "S-So nice to meet you guys! We love your music!"

They seem to like the compliment, as their body language shifts slightly towards us. Dom keeps his eyes on me, making me feel a bit nervous.

Johnny: "So, we heard MRS. found new talent, but they told us nothing about you two. Who's your supposed competition? If it's us, Phat Sammy, or even Jaye Bee, don't worry; we're all here to enjoy success together."

I look at Velv, noticing her bite her lip. I talk to her with my eyes, watching as she stops her lip-biting. She turns back to the Boyz, her composure returning.

Velv: "We were told our competition is Rollie Roy."

The Boyz look at each other, concern etched across their faces. Brandon speaks up, his famously smooth voice light on my ears.

Brandon: "Well, Rollie is a bit... different from us. Talk to Sammy or Jaye, and they'll tell you the same. Rollie has been set up to be the best; none of us have been able to beat him in record sales or in the fandoms. We don't know what he has, but he just... is better. None of us have been put up against him in competition before, which is just made up as something to get the fans to engage more."

Dom: "If the directors think you are a threat to good old Rollie, you two must have the act of the century."

I have to take a moment to internalize what Dom said; he's seriously pulling me in with his good looks, stunning eyes, and pretty, pale blue hair... I could listen to him talk all day. 

The Boyz look us over, their matching, bright blue eyes burning into my soul. I can't help but gulp slightly, suddenly hyper-aware of everything around me.

Velv sips her drink, linking her arm tightly with mine. It surprises me, as it's only something she did when we were young. She would do it when she got bullied for having braces until she made the bullies cry and turned braces into a trend. Velv has a way of masking when she is upset by making the other Rageon feel bad, or is quite good at being sneaky and manipulative to get what she wants.

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