Champagne Club

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I spy Dom, running up to him and hugging him. He holds me yet frowns as I can't stop giggling. I used way too much troll; I can't keep my emotions straight.

Dom: "Veneer, what's wrong? You've been giggling all night. Your eyes are heavy as well."

I pull away from him, scared he'll find out the truth.

Ven: "I'm fine! I just, well..."

I try to think of a good excuse... until I see Kid Ritz walk through the door.

Ven: "I'll be back. I just want to go see Kid Ritz."

I walk away from Dom, feeling his blue eyes burning into the back of my head. I walk right up to Kid Ritz excitedly. Once he sees me, his smile is warm and bright; I can't help but grab his hand and lead us to a couch.

I let my eyes look him over, trying to take in the charming sight before me and act natural.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer! You were incredible! I was blown away! I'm so excited for your performances in the third show!"

Hearing Kid Ritz talk about me like this is so ego-boosting... I love it.

Ven: "Aw, thank you! I'm glad you liked it! Velv let me arrange it, and it was definitely fun to perform. Speaking of performing, do you know a little more about the original song? You mentioned it a few times."

Kid Ritz: "Totally! From what Management told me, you and Velvet will get to sing the two songs you've done in the past shows, so "Sweet Dreams" and the mashup... and."

Kid Ritz places his hand on my thigh, leaning close to whisper in my ear.

Kid Ritz: "I'm not supposed to tell anyone yet, but your original song is called "Watch Me Work," and I've heard the demo... it's good."

He moves back, biting his thumbnail excitedly. His eyes are lit with an electric energy, making me just as excited.

Ven: "I'm so excited to have an original song; I don't know the first thing about songwriting, so I'm glad it's done for us."

As the words leave my mouth, I realize I've made a mistake.

Kid Ritz: "You made the mashup, no? I wouldn't say you don't know what you're doing, far from it, actually."

My mind races as I try to find something more to say to save my back.

Ven: "HA HA, YEAH... I, uh, have a bad habit of misspeaking, and... yeah... um."

I cover my eyes with my hands; I've embarrassed myself in front of my biggest crush since high school. I feel my hands gently be pulled away from my face, getting me to look at Kid Ritz.

Kid Ritz: "Hey, it's ok. You don't have to be embarrassed. I say things I don't mean all the time. I do it a lot when I'm excited. I get excited a lot, and when I'm on air, I've definitely said things I regret."

He laughs at himself, his melodic laugh calming my frazzled nerves.

Ven: "Well, thank you for that. Velv likes to point it out, and sometimes it gets to me a little."

Kid Ritz: "Yeah, I don't have a sister, but I can imagine that sibling bond gets tedious. But that's what I've heard sisters do: boss you around and make you follow after them."

Kid Ritz laughs, but his words hold more merit than he realizes.

Ven: "Yeah, Velv's good at that. Anyway, do you want anything to drink? My mouth is so dry."

Kid Ritz: "I can see if they have juice or something, but I'm 19, and I don't really do the whole drinking thing."

Ven: "Oh my gosh! Velv and I are as well!"

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