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Velv: "Hey, let's see if our outfits are here."

She goes to the closet, coming back with our new clothes. They're cute, but I feel like they're missing something. We take turns changing in the closet, the two of us comparing outfits once changed.

Velv has a cute brown dress with a gold trim, my pants in the same color. I'm excited I got a crop top; I think it's so cute. Our sleeves are pink and frilly, which is fun to play with.

Our shoes are heavy and oversized, adding just the level of cvnt I need to feel powerful. I search the closet for accessories, pulling out a pair of red fingerless gloves. I add gold bracelets, picking out a pink one for Velv.

She takes it happily from me once I'm out of the closet, admiring it once it's on her wrist.

Velv: "Cute, I'm into it."

Ven: "Same here. Though, it feels like we're missing something."

As we think of what more we can add, the door opens, Crimp scurrying through. She hops onto the vanity excitedly, jumping up and down.

Crimp: "I'm here! I'm here; I got stuck in traffic. Not sure if Floyd told you already, but I came up with an idea!"

She spins around the body of a mannequin I hadn't noticed, white shoulder pads reflecting at us.

Ven: "Crimp honey, that's not an idea; those are shoulder pads."

Crimp: "I beg to differ. It's a high-powered vacuum. I finally put that master's degree in engineering to good use."

I look at Velv, confused Crimp even went to college, let alone got a master's degree in engineering.

Crimp: "Veneer, can you bring Floyd over here, please."

I do as I'm told, picking Floyd up gently before dropping him next to Crimp. Crimp opens the purple glass on the shoulder plate, motioning for Floyd to climb in.

He does so, holding still as she closes the glass.

Crimp: "See, you just pop in the troll, Floyd, in this case, and it releases the troll essence through here."

She points to a purple diamond on the center of the shoulder plate, Velv and I watching intently.

Crimp: "Lightly tap this button, just delicately, you know, like, once."

She demonstrates, tapping the button. Floyd lifts in the glass, his body shining as magic emanates from him. The raspberry chocolate smoke wafts from the shoulder plates. The minute it hits my nose, I feel the effects of the troll high.

Floyd drops back down, looking tired, yet not as much as when we've used him in the past.

Ven: "That's incredible... does it hurt?"

Floyd: "Not too bad; it's gentler than what I normally experience when I supply you guys magic."

Velv: "You made this for us to... carry Floyd around?"

Crimp: "That's right! You'll have Floyd when you need him, and what's safer than having Floyd on you to protect him!"

Ven: "Great work, Crimp! Though, there's two of us, four vacuums, and one Floyd."

Floyd and Crimp smile at each other, a knowing look crossing their faces.

Floyd: "Well, I contacted a few special trolls for help. I haven't spoken to them in years, yet I knew we'd need them to get through this together."

Crimp: "Have you ever heard of a band called... Brozone?"

I rack my brain, the name sounding familiar.

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