After Party

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I try to relax in the warm water, yet something within me tells me to stay alert. Rollie looks at us over his glass as he places his arm cooly against the ridge of the hot tub. 

Rollie: "So, Velvet and Veneer. You two put on quite the show. I was surprised by how... good you two are. Since we're here, you two should tell me how you started. Who's your agent, where'd you take lessons, that sort of thing? My interest is peaked in knowing how you two got so good."

He sips, staring what feels like straight into my soul. I look to Velv, waiting for her to answer. Rollie cuts her off before she can say anything. 

Rollie: C'mon, Veneer. I want to hear from you. Tell me, what do you two have that makes you so good."

Again, I can't tell if he's trying to be condescending to me or not. That uncertainty just makes me anxious. I gulp slightly, nervous about saying the wrong thing.

Ven: "We have never had an agent... or any coaching. I trust Velvet with everything I have; our sibling connection is what makes us, in your words, good."

Rollie looks at me, thinking over my words.

Rollie: "That, in theory, sounds great, but I feel like you two have something more than just pure ability. I've never seen a duo with that level of raw, natural talent. Reminds me of something you'd see from... a troll."

He eyes me as he speaks, his tone quiet. He closes his eyes and sips his drink, allowing me to meet Velv's concerned glance.

Velv: "I don't know how you want us to respond to your questions, but we don't have any fancy training or coaches, which is why it's taken us this long to be noticed. We are going for fame, no matter what it takes to get there."

Rollie takes a moment, looking into his glass before looking at us.

Rollie: "You two have a fire; you aren't afraid to back down, which is impressive. You will do much better than the other boys we're ranked with. They want to be fair and share amongst themselves, but that's not how being the best works. You both seem to have no problem doing what it takes to get what you want, and neither do I. Think of what we could achieve if we work together."

He smiles, yet falters as he looks behind me. 

Rollie: "If you'll excuse me, we can discuss more of this later. Keep in mind what I've said. Not everyone can be on top, nor are they meant to be."

He speaks softly, which I can't place how his tone makes me feel.

Once he's gotten out of the tub and walked away, Velv leans in close, whispering fiercely to me in the small chance that I'm alone with her.

Velv: "I don't think we can trust him."

Ven: "Why? He seems... nice."

Velv: "Nice? Sure. He seems smart and business savvy. Have you looked at this place? He's filthy rich! You can't get to this level of wealth without some crazy leverage."

Ven: "I think he knows we're using a troll. I suggest we play nice with him and get him on our good side. He did say he'd like it if we teamed up. He seems to be after what we are; why not get him to help us until we don't need him anymore?

Velv: "Well, I think our end goal is the Rage Dome; that seems to be the biggest performance we could do. We have what these boys don't: a secret weapon. With our troll, we are unbeatable. We should be good as long as we keep that at the forefront of our minds. Let's just be careful who we trust; any of the guys seem like they'd be willing to sidestep us if it helps them and we're not paying attention."

I take in her words as Rollie returns, the boys following behind him. They must have changed before arriving, as they are all in swimsuits. Dom especially looks great, his hair and eyes reflecting off the pool and hot tub lights. As they come close to reaching us, Velv leans in to whisper in my ear one last time. 

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