Over the next few days, Kid Ritz and I text nonstop. He sends me daily TikTok's to wake up to, quickly becoming my new favorite to check every morning.

Dom sent me a text the following day, but I have yet to read it. I'm waiting to look at it once Kid Ritz is with me. I've learned that Kid Ritz still lives with his Mama and is an avid skater. 

Wednesday morning rolls around; I finally get to see Kid Ritz again! I text him my address, nervous energy bouncing through me.

At five, Kid Rit texts me he's on his way. Velv hired a maid for us, which was one the best decisions ever since we are so messy. Though she came yesterday, I still have to quickly tidy my room, debating back and forth between keeping my stuffies on my bed. There's nowhere else to go; they'll have to stay.

My phone buzzes, letting me know Kid Ritz is downstairs. I throw on my shoes, shouting to Velv that I'm going to get Kid Ritz before I leave. The elevator ride feels like an eternity, before I find Kid Ritz waiting in the lobby. He's looking around in awe, like a kid in a candy store.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer!"

He pulls me in for a hug, smelling amazing... funny enough, like candy. 

Ven: "Hi! Welcome to the "High Tide" lobby. The building is beach-themed, so everything is always nice and summery."

Kid Ritz smiles as I grab his hand, leading us into the elevator. As we wait, he pulls out his phone, taking pictures of his warped reflection from the elevator. I have yet to see anyone do that, but I love it.

As we approach the hallway, I let Kid Ritz unlock the front door. As he swings open the door, his mouth falls open. He walks in slowly, trailing his fingers over the counters and couch. He stands for a second, his eyes moving across the downstairs. 

Kid Ritz: "Veneer... this place is fantastic. I love all of the pinks and purples... I feel like I'm in a dreamhouse!"

Veneer: "I'm still shocked Velv and I have this place. Where we lived before, everything was constantly breaking down; you couldn't use the showers simultaneously without running out of hot water. Now, I feel like I'm in paradise. Here, let's go to my room."

He follows me up the stairs, looking over the railing towards the first floor before entering my room. His mouth falls open again as he looks around, completely shocked. He walks up to my floor-length mirror, staring at himself quietly. 

Kid Ritz: "My Mama and I have been poor our whole lives. She would love to live here; the beach is her favorite place. I promised her that once I get enough money, I'll move her into her own place, right along the shore."

His words make my heart ache; he doesn't know the Rageons and troll that I've hurt and manipulated to get and maintain this place. I bite the inside of my cheek, walking up slowly behind him. Our eyes meet through the mirror as I place my hand on his shoulder. 

Ven: "Well, maybe I can help you and your Mama. I get a lot of money, and Jaye Bee told me I should spend it on things. Once your Mama is ready, I can help pay for a house for her."

Kid Ritz spins around, tears in his eyes. He pulls me into a tight hug, crying a little into my shoulder.

Kid Ritz: "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever told me! I don't know what to say!"

I hug him back, savoring the gentle moment. 

Ven: "You can go shopping with me right now. I haven't bought anything, but I am bored... and you're here, so."

I grab my computer from the couch and flop onto my bed. Kid Ritz lays next to me, placing his head on his hands.

We surf the internet, buying whatever looks cool. I let him pick out things he wants, buying him clothes and a new skateboard. At the same time, I buy myself everything that looks cute and shiny. After an hour, we put the computer down, going on TikTok.

V & V - Rageous Road to FameWhere stories live. Discover now