Monster in the Jungle

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Waking up, my body feels nervous and achy. I take a shower, yet I still feel weird and icky.

Downstairs, Velv's sitting on the couch. I go to the kitchen, seeing we are out of milk for a coffee. I huff, sad my morning isn't turning out well.

Velv: "Cramp texted. She's saying our demo for our song should be sent by Monday next week. I don't know why she couldn't wait TILL next week to let us know, but it's whatever."

It takes me a moment to realize Velv means Crimp.

Ven: "Please, can we forever call her Cramp? That is too good."

Velv smirks, proud of herself for the nickname.

Velv: "To move on from the topic of Cramp before she gives me one, what do you have planned for today?"

Ven: "Well, I'm going to order coffee before I die, and I have a date later."

Velv: "Date? With who? Kid Ritz?"

Her question makes me blush, though she doesn't lift her head from her phone, so she can't see.

Ven: "It's with Dom. He apologized, and I'm giving him one last chance."

This time, Velv looks up, concerned.

Velv: "I... won't stop you. Just be smart. He's our competitor now, more than ever. Don't lose sight of what we're working for. Look at your messages; Management sent an updated graphic."

Ven: "I know, I will be diligent

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Ven: "I know, I will be diligent. I want to give it one more shot; he was good to me on our last date."

Velv bites her lip, looking back at her phone. I head back upstairs, not wanting to do anything until I get caffeine. I order coffee to the apartment, waiting fifteen minutes until it arrives.

I trek downstairs, tipping the delivery man before going back up. Back in my room, I take my coffee to the balcony, enjoying the fresh air.

As I sip, my energy returns. My phone starts pinging as I'm sent notifications that the purchases Kid Ritz and I made are on their way. I feel happy sending him the screenshots. He likes them right away, texting back excitedly.

A thought comes to mind as I pull up a website from which I got OJ. I order two more; one for Kid Ritz and one for his Mama.

I place the order to be sent to their house, with a message attached.

I hit send, noticing they will arrive the same time as his other things. It feels good to be able to spoil him; I don't have anyone else but myself to do that for.

It's just been Velv and I since our parents... don't think about that. I push the thoughts away, returning inside to throw my cup away.

The day drones on until it's time to prepare for my date. I pull out a brown cropped turtleneck and black pants, adding cute brown boots.

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