Hiding in Pink Sight

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Velv and I say goodbye to Jewels, tickling her belly before leaving her in Crimp's care.

The MRS. assistants lead us to the staircase I now associate with bad memories. I brush it off; I have to be centered tonight. My energy is weak and low from yesterday's drama and this past week; I can't believe I'm putting on a show.

The assistants walk us past where the cabanas used to be; in their place is space for more Mount Rageons. We're taken to a room backstage, where a TV and bottles of water wait. I sit on the couch, biting the inside of my cheek nervously.

Velv and I go on our phones, hearing commotion outside as fans are let onto the roof. A knock rings at our door, yet I'm afraid to open it.

Velv looks at me, standing slowly. She opens the door a crack, turning back to me.

Velv: "It's Kid."

Ven: "Ask him what two fingers mean to us."

Velv looks at me weirdly, asking him quietly through the door.

Kid Ritz: "Peace sign."

Ven: "You can let him in."

I hold my breath as Kid Ritz walks in, holding up a peace sign. I'm suspicious, but I have to have some faith. He walks up to me, smiling as he looks me over. He speaks excitedly yet manages to sound gentle and compassionate as he talks.

Kid Ritz: "You guys look fantastic! I'm so impressed! I brought someone special for the show."

Kid Ritz drops the tote he's been carrying from his shoulder, urging me to look. I open the bag to see Quesadilla staring at me, holding a note taped to his wing.

Note: *Hi Veneer, it's me, Quesadilla! I'm accompanying Kid Ritz to cheer you on tonight! Knock their socks off :o*

Next to Quesadilla is a small box. I pull it out, opening it to a small assortment of candies. They smell reminiscent Kid Ritz's perfume.

Ven: "Oh, Kid Ritz, this is the best thing anyone's ever done for me!"

I stand and give him a big hug. He hugs me back before pulling away.

Kid Ritz: "I mean it when I say you guys look fantastic; you two must be the best dressed here."

Velv: "We're wearing our first sponsor tonight."

Ven: "And we paid a visit to a certain frazzled friend."

I grab Velv's hand and show Kid Ritz our rings. His face lights up, looking surprised and excited.

Kid Ritz: "He gave you your rings! Isn't his store the best? I've been meaning to fill him in on everything, I've just been so busy. You know, I met Freddy in statistics. It was the hardest class at our school, yet he had no problem with it, obviously, and was always up for tutoring me. That's how we became friends, then best friends. I'm sure you could tell, but he graduated with full honors and was valedictorian."

Kid Ritz admires the rings while Velv gives me a shocked face. If Fred is so accomplished, what's he doing living in a dump, practically homeless?

I push my worries for Fred away for the moment as the crowds pick up in volume outside. I must look panicked, as Kid Ritz grabs my hands. He rubs soft circles with his thumbs, the gestures grounding. 

Kid Ritz: "Hey... you look good, you'll do amazing. I can't wait to watch you. And Quesadilla will be cheering you on as loud as his beak will let him."

I wrap my arms around Kid Ritz, looking into his pretty, deep indigo eyes. I give him one last hug, some of my glitter sprinkling across his suit, which, by the way, looks incredible on him.

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