Raging Road To Fame

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The door opens slowly... in walking a few assistants ready for hair and makeup. I hurry into the closet with my contacts, putting them back in while Velv distracts the assistants. Crimp looks at me wide-eyed, knowing all the trolls are hiding around the room.

Ven: "Keep Rhonda quiet, ok? Stay in here until I come to get you."

Crimp: "Sounds good."

I leave the closet, looking at Velv worriedly. An assistant grabs my arm, sitting me at a vanity. They get to work on our makeup, stressing me out as the assistant applies makeup rather harshly on my face.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a few balls roll across the floor. They move quietly and quickly, all of them rolling behind the couch. As I stare at them, the assistant snaps her fingers at me.

Assistant: "Please look this way. We need to get your eyeliner done."

My mood drops, instantly turned off by how snappy she is. Eventually, she finishes my makeup, and though it's simple, it's still cute. She gets to work on my hair, styling it into a mullet. I'd never see myself rocking one before this but wow, I love how it looks.

The assistant finishes, patting my shoulder before leaving the room. Two other assistants work on Velv's hair, adding details to the style. While I wait for them to finish, I go to my tote, pulling out my ring pop. I use as discreetly as I can, sitting on the couch.

I look behind the couch, spying the trolls sitting in the shadows, looking bored.

Ven: *Sorry :(*

I mouth to them, wanting to laugh at the difference in reactions they give. Poppy gives me a thumbs-up, while Branch sits off to the side, his arms crossed.

Brozone individually sits together, playing a card game with a miniature deck of cards. Tiny Diamond lays on the floor, mouth open wide as he naps. At least they're keeping themselves busy.

I sit back, going on my phone. Fans, media pages, and even celebrities post about the show, making me nervous and excited.

Rollie tags me in his story, showing him with Gloria in the VIP section. I like it, reposting to my story. RIVAL does the same thing, the three of them posting themselves in fun poses while wishing Velv and me good luck.

As I like and repost, Velv's hair is finally finished. I put my ring pop away as the assistants leave, walking over to Velv as the trolls roll out from behind the couch.

Ven: "Crimp? You can bring Rhonda out."

We don't hear anything from the closet, Poppy and Branch hurrying over to see what's going on.

They open the door, confused as it looks like only Rhonda's in there. Rhonda smiles, spitting out Crimp onto the floor. Seems like Rhonda got a bit curious as to what a wig-looking creature come to life would taste like.

Poppy runs over, giving Crimp as hug and checking her over to see that she's ok. I use everything in my power to not laugh at the sight, feeling bad since Crimp's done so much for us... yet it's so funny I can't help but snicker.

Velv looks at me, a smirk on her face as well. We let the trolls tend to Crimp, finally calming down from the laugh attack that threatened to come on.

Ven: "Wow, ok... you alright Crimp?"

Crimp: "I think so... not fun to be swallowed whole, but you know."

Rhonda coos happily, nuzzling Crimp affectionately. John Dory laughs, patting Rhonda proudly.

John Dory: "It means she's a fan of you... probably."

Crimp eyes Rhonda suspiciously, scurrying out of the closet to put some distance between them. I grow serious now that the closet chaos is over. I sit the trolls down, having everyone look at me as I talk to them.

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