Bikini Bottom Boogie

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I start a warm shower, taking a good amount of time to ensure I smell good.

Sweet cookie scents hang in the air, reminding me of when this all started. I've come so far, performing and winning competitions, getting to experience life as a famous Mount Rageon, and experiencing the highs and lows of love.

I ponder a while longer, realizing I should get out if I want time to do my hair and makeup without being rushed. I change into a robe and walk to the clothes I laid out. I put on a white crop top with "P" on the front. I like to think of it as "pretty in pink," which I'll be tonight.

I put on my pink, low-rise baggy jeans, then slip on my white high-top sneakers. I spray my hair pink, proud once I finished that I didn't get the dye everywhere. Fred was able to help me pick out contacts that matched relatively close to my natural eye color, getting me to feel even better about myself.

It takes me a few painful tries before I get the contacts in, yet once they're in, it proves to have been worth the pain. From afar, they look like my eyes. Up close, you can see the frozen peeking through. It's not perfect, but it'll get the job done for tonight. In case anyone recognizes me, I don't want to stir up any more media attention, so these contacts should do.

I add the pink candy bracelets, white ring from Fred, and necklace I got from the shop earlier. I add my gold hoop last, it now being the thing I end my jewelry session with.

I add a pink shadow, blush, and lip combo for makeup, loving the way the glitter on my lids sparkles. Once I'm all done, I take a few pictures, looking just as pretty in pink as I wanted. I enjoy adding feminine touches to my outfits; it's cute and adds character.

Kid Ritz is supposed to pick me up; until then, I have time to spare. I use my cherry, going over the song and my lyrics over and over in my head. I pack my green apple into my purse, wanting to start a dent in that since it's not a flavor I like as much as the cherry.

Eventually Kid Ritz texts me he's here, forcing me to stop my practice. As I get up, I notice Jewels is in my room; I don't know how long I'll be out, so I don't want to leave her locked in her cage for so long.

I pick her up and carry her quietly over to Velv's. I knock, yet I don't get an answer back. I open the door slowly, letting Jewels slip inside before hurrying downstairs. As I walk out the front door, I hear Velv call me.

I make a decision in a split second; I ignore her. She can talk to me like an adult if she's upset about something later; I won't sit around waiting for her to speak and tell me what's wrong. 

I get to the lobby quickly, ready to focus on my night. I use my ring pop one last time in the elevator before shoving it away into the white purse I brought.

I walk outside to see Kid Ritz waiting for me, looking very cute. His hair is green, looking a bit like how mine usually does. I climb into the front seat and am greeted with a kiss. The kiss gets heavy again as he seems to really enjoy it.

Kid Ritz looks at me as he pulls away, then at my lips, licking his gently.

Kid Ritz: "What lip balm are you using? This one tastes just as good, just more like a candy apple."

I don't have an answer, so I shrug my shoulders. Kid Ritz doesn't prod further, instead focusing on driving. As he drives, I look him over, letting my eyes linger. He's dressed in a blank tank and graffitied pants, and faux tattoos cover his arm. He looks perfect as a rockstar, getting butterflies to flutter across my heart as I admire him.

I toy with the pink bracelet on his wrist, nervous and excited energy overwhelming my senses as they always do now. He notices and looks to me for a second before focusing back on the road.

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