Packing Up

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Light from my window shines way too bright in my eyes as I wake up. 

Ugh, I feel sick, and my body hurts. 

Sitting up, my mind floods with memories from last night. Did any of that even happen? 

I turn over on my side, grabbing the remote to turn on my TV. I feel moody this morning; I think I'm just overly tired. I flip through the channels before seeing something that nearly stops my heart, waking me right up.

Velv's and my faces flash across the morning news, where our performance is being discussed. I flip to another station, seeing the same thing. I'm floored, grabbing my phone to see even more followers than last night. 

I've never really posted anything on my Insta, just two pictures of Velv and me. Each pic has hundreds more likes than before, with way more comments than I could ever have imagined. I notice that I'm tagged in so many photos, both by random Rageons I don't know and ones with celebrity news pages. Flipping through, I see Velv has gotten the same treatment. She posted pictures from last night; her comment section flooded with, I assume, new fans. 

I should post something, too. I search the internet, finding pictures of me that I look perfect in. I find a TikTok of our performance before grabbing a few pictures of us and the boys. Once I arrange my photos together, I sit momentarily, trying to figure out a caption. 

*Hey Mount Rageous! Thanks for all the love for Velvet and me! We hope to see you all soon!*

That should be good enough. My heart pounds as I hesitate to post, a little worried about what might happen. I hit send, watching my post load before it's finished. Not even a minute goes by before my phone starts buzzing. 

I watch as my post gets hundreds of likes immediately, turning to thousands. I watch as I'm tagged in stories and posts, some reposting my photos. Literal fan accounts tag me, and I sift through them, liking their posts. It's uncanny to see me and my face plastered everywhere... this is so cool!

I watch as the Sage Boyz comment on my post, feeling my heart pick up when I think of Dom. I hear our song play on the TV, watching a rerun of the performance. I have never seen myself so confident; the troll worked wonders for us. 

I've seen enough for now; I'm curious what Velv's up to. I get up, moving to her door. I knock, worried she may be sleeping, and wake up yelling. She surprises me by telling me to come in. She's watching the same channel I was, scrolling through her phone. She grabs me, sitting me down before shoving her phone in my face.

Velv: "Veneer, tell the world how you feel!"

Ven: "Oh my gosh... I'm at a loss for words!"

Velv: "That's right, everybody. Veneer and I can't believe the love you've shown us! We are so happy you liked the performance! You can catch us in two weeks at the second Mount Rageous Starz event of the season! Signing off, Velvet and Veneer!"

She smiles, ending the video. Confusion hits me like a truck as she posts to her story, tagging me in the video. She grabs my phone, reposting it before going to my messages. I didn't even notice throughout the excitement that Management had messaged us.

Management: *Great work, you two! We are happy the fans love you! These next two weeks will be a whirl getting you ready for our second Starz event of the season. Rest up, we will send you more information soon. - MRS. Management*

Attached to the message is a graphic showing that after last night, we have three more shows before the Rage Dome, spanning the next two months.

Attached to the message is a graphic showing that after last night, we have three more shows before the Rage Dome, spanning the next two months

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