No Monkey Business

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The weekend is suspiciously quiet; not one other strange thing happens. By the time Monday rolls around, my eyes have returned to normal. Velv and I get up early since we're recording today.

We get dressed and drive to MRS. Though I hate the cold now, I keep the air on high so we stay awake. We pull up to the building, climbing out slowly. I avoid looking at the portraits at all costs; there's no way I'm looking at him. We meet with an assistant, who leads us to a lower level of the building we haven't been to.

A purple room with recording equipment separating another room with a mic waits for us. The recording studio looks very high-end; this is so cool!

A man works on a computer, waving once he sees us.

Producer: "Hey, you two. I'll be the one producing your song. Give me a few minutes, then we'll get started."

He leaves the room, leaving Velv to rummage through her purse. She sprays us with Floyd a lot at once before shoving him back in. The high sets in as the producer returns.

Producer: "OK, the process should be simple. We have the parts recorded for you. Your assistant Crimp was supposed to send the demos over. If you two are ready, you can listen to your part and then sing it. We'll piece it all together, and we should be good."

He leads us to the mic room, closing the door. Velv and I sing our parts together, doing a few takes until the producer is satisfied. Then he sends me out to wait for Velv to record.

She gets the lead on the song, but I prefer letting her do more. This is her dream, after all.

I scroll through TikTok, feeling a little sad. Since everything that happened on Thursday, Kid Ritz hasn't sent me any TikToks. He also hasn't posted to his Instagram.

I haven't heard from him since he texted me Saturday to thank me for Quesadilla. I know it's only Monday; I miss being silly with him.

As I think about Kid Ritz, Velv walks back into the room. The producer steps into the mic room, messing with the equipment. Velv secretly sprays me one more time.

As she does, it sounds like Floyd is hurting badly from it. I try to ignore it, walking into the mic room as the producer calls me over.

I sing my parts, sounding good. I feel cute with the headphones, like a real singer. 

I take pictures in the mic room between recordings, saving them to post later.

Eventually, we get everything recorded. The producer informs us that our song should be ready for release by next week, helping us out of MRS.

As we drive home, I think about hanging out with Kid Ritz on Wednesday.

The rest of the night goes on pretty boringly. I post my mic room photos, my caption stirring up excitement.

*working in the studio today... I can't wait to show you all*

I watch people comment, sad by dinner time that Kid Ritz hasn't liked it. Once in bed, I check my phone for anything from my friend; seeing nothing.

I want nothing more than to send him a message, but maybe he needs space. I go to sleep, anxious.

The next day, Crimp drops our outfits off for the next show; I think they're so cvnt. Other than that, the day could be more exciting. It was funny that Velv made Crimp wait in the hallway; she's SO not allowed back in the flat.

By Wednesday morning, I'm a little nervous Kid Ritz won't want to see me. He hasn't texted or uploaded for days; I miss him.

Friday, we're filming a promo for "Watch Me Work," which is so cool! Saturday's the show... though I don't want to think about it for obvious reasons.

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