Rage Dome Ruin

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Velv: "All right! You guys want an encore?"

I look at her like she's crazy. She only has Floyd left, not to mention he looks all used up.

Ven: "Encore? Sis, come on. This one won't even last you half a song; let's just quit while we're on top!"

She turns to me, a crazed look in her eye. She shakes me hard, looking at me with manic energy.

Velv: "Just sing, you beautiful idiot!"

My heart breaks as she presses the button, using Floyd again. I watch the troll high wash over her, conflicted internally about if we should keep going.

 I watch the troll high wash over her, conflicted internally about if we should keep going

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Velv: "Here we go!"

Just as we get ready to sing, our mics cut out. We search for the source of the problem, seeing the trolls line up on the bottom floor of the yacht.

They stand in a line formation, staring up at us. I feel a sense of dread overwhelm me as the trolls begin singing.

It's high-pitched and loud... the sound harmonizing perfectly among the trolls.

Velv bangs her microphone, frustrated it's not working. As she hits it, the trolls sing louder. Realization dawns on me what they're doing; they're trying to create the perfect family harmony.

Velv realizes as well, her face turning to shock as the trolls sing even louder.

As the trolls sing and dance, the crowds surrounding us grow more excited

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As the trolls sing and dance, the crowds surrounding us grow more excited. They give the same reaction RIVAL gets when they perform... that means Dom is manipulating through song!

Velv and I watch the screens broadcasting the horror scene, panic rising through me. With this many cameras and media, Dom can reach the entirety of Mount Rageous!

 With this many cameras and media, Dom can reach the entirety of Mount Rageous!

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