Mount Rageous

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I speed down the road, getting taken by surprise as Velv grabs the steering wheel. She veers us off the road and down to the lower division of Mount Rageous.

My stomach drops as we fall, doing my best to keep us upright. I can't help but cheer, the rush of adrenaline from the fall propelling my excitement.

Velv: "Keep the car steady! We have a show to do! Act natural; our careers depend on it!"

Velv: "Keep the car steady! We have a show to do! Act natural; our careers depend on it!"

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I do as I'm told, driving steady once we hit the ground. Sweet dreams bumps through the speakers in the car and around us from the camera stars encircling us. I bop to the beat, doing my best to keep a cool demeanor.

Velv: "What's up Mount Rageous! You didn't think we were just going to give you a boring old stage show, did you?"

Fan: "That's what we explicitly bought tickets for :D!"

Velv: "We're taking this show ON! THE! ROAD!"

I drive faster, grateful for the cars blocking us in. I see Rhonda running fast after us, knowing the manipulated trolls are inside.

 I see Rhonda running fast after us, knowing the manipulated trolls are inside

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Velv smirks at me, giving me the ok to press the button. We do it simultaneously, our senses immediately flooded with the troll magic. Between the shared vicinity of smoke from four trolls, I'm higher than I've ever been before. It's a different sensation; the most power, sensationalized energy, and unfathomable talent you could imagine now coursing through our bodies. 

A shift in my mood occurs; I feel invincible. I can't help but smile menacingly, looking at Velv excitedly.

 I can't help but smile menacingly, looking at Velv excitedly

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