Neon Films

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Monday goes by relatively slowly; I spend the day trying to relax after the intense excursions I've been through. I go to bed high, yet happy, feeling at peace with myself. Tuesday morning, though, is met with some anxiety.

Kid Ritz texted me the day before, letting me know he'd drive me to our shoot, which puts me at ease. I take a long shower, letting the warm water calm me as much as it can. I get dressed in simple sweats, not worrying about my appearance since we'll be in hair and makeup.

I put in my contacts, grateful I'm used to wearing them regularly. After I'm done, I lay on my bed, using my ring pop to try to get a small buzz before things get crazy. I use just enough to get a high yet still be functional. Kid Ritz texts me he's here, giving me a small jolt of excitement.

I stuff my ring pop into my tote and grab my water bottle before hurrying down to the valet. Kid Ritz waits for me in his car, looking up at me excitedly.

Kid Ritz: "Hey sweetie, you ready?"

Ven: "I'm nervous, yet feeling better now that I'm here with you."

Kid Ritz: "It's going to be fun, don't worry! I know you'll do amazing."

He smiles at me happily, kissing my hand before driving off. I let myself relax into my high, enjoying the car ride for what it's worth.

We drive until we get to MRS., heading inside to wait for Orchid and Fred. The MRS. assistant we usually see waves us over, leading us to the recording studio Velv and I were at previously for "Watch Me Work."

The same producer is there, typing on his computer. He notices us and kindly hugs me before addressing Kid Ritz.

Producer: "Hey, guys! I'm excited to work with you again, Veneer. I take we're just waiting on... Orchid, is it? And Fred... so in the meantime, we can get started with you, Veneer, since you have separate vocals."

He puts me to work, wasting no time starting the recording process. Kid Ritz watches me from the window looking into the recording studio, filming and cheering me on.

As I sing and do my takes, Fred and Orchid soon join Kid Ritz. I get all my backing vocals done, nervous as I gear up to sing my solo parts. I close my eyes as I sing, excited as I nail my notes perfectly.

Producer: "Great job Veneer! All you have left to do is your high note."

I nod, feeling everyone's eyes on me. I listen to the part a few times, eventually taking the plunge.

Ven: "Yeah... YEAH!!!"

I sing the note even better than at the venue, my voice ringing across the recording room.

I hold my hands on my headphones, riffing my heart out. I finish the note, stunned that just came out of me.

I look over at the window, seeing the trio jumping up and down excitedly, shaking Kid Ritz as he finishes filming me. The producer looks at me with a surprised yet delighted look, moving different knobs and controls on the soundboard.

Producer: "That was great! We flew through this; I don't think we need to do another take. You can come back over; we'll record with Fred next."

His positive words make me very happy like I achieved something worthwhile. I never noticed how little I feel like that, so it's cool to feel it now. I return to the room adjoining the recording room, Kid Ritz pulling me in for a hug.

Kid Ritz: "AMAZING JOB! You sounded so good!"

He kisses my cheek, his words increasing my happiness tenfold. Fred and Orchid nod, everyone's kindness easing my nerves.

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