Getting Back Home

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We drive until we reach a truck stop, Fred stopping at a pump. I head inside, paying for a shower. I'm handed a ticket, only waiting a few minutes for my shower to be ready. I shower relatively fast; I just have to get the firework smoke off me.

Once I'm done, I grab water for Fred and me, along with picking out some candy for Ven. I'm very thankful I still have my wallet; that would have been a pain to replace.

I pay for my items, looking up to see Fred walk out from his shower. He heads straight for the liquor aisle, grabbing two cases. He sets them next to me, not acknowledging me. I leave the store, climbing into his truck.

I wait until he comes out, not saying anything as he puts the cases on the floor. I've been on liquor runs with him before; he uses a fake since we're still 19. We drive off, relatively clean and content.

Fred turns on the radio, shutting it off almost immediately as the radio covers last night. The truck ride is quiet, yet doesn't feel as awkward as I thought it would be. I hand Fred his water, looking out the window aimlessly.

Fred: "Thanks. You excited to see Ven?"

I look at him, a small smile crossing my lips.

Kid Ritz: "Of course I am. I'm worried sick, and hearing the way Velvet was talking about him... just had me more worried."

Fred frowns, twirling his hair with his finger as he leans his arm out the window. He only twirls his hair when he's nervous.

Kid Ritz: "What's up? You seem like you're thinking about something."

He gives me a side eye, shrugging his shoulders while focusing on the road. Ok, now I know he knows something.

Kid Ritz: "You know, last time I was at Ven's, he told me how good of a friend you are. He said you've been helping him through something, and he really appreciates it."

Fred blinks a few times, pulling at his hair more.

Fred: "Yeah, he's confided with me about something he's been working through. I told him I'd be there for him when he needs me."

Fred keeps it vague, but I don't mind. I trust him with my life, even more so after last night. I know if Ven trusts him, it's ok for me not to know right now.

Kid Ritz: "Well, I appreciate it. As much as I want to, I can't help him through everything. We're both lucky to have you."

Fred looks at me, smiling appreciatively. We return to his shop, Fred handing me a case to take inside. He puts the bottles in his fridge, yet surprises me by not taking one out like I assumed he would. He lays on his cot, peeking at me from behind his arm resting across his eyes.

Fred: "You know, I haven't gone back to it that much. I've kept my word, and I don't drink as regularly."

I stare at him blankly, nodding as I sit on the bean bag.

Fred: "Last night really freaked me out... and I needed something to take the edge off."

I nod again, mulling over his words in my head.

Kid Ritz: "That's why Orchid and I didn't say anything. We know you'd tell us if you were struggling."

Fred nods, yet breaks eye contact, fiddling with his hair. The room is quiet, soon filled with light snores from Fred. As he sleeps, I let my mind wander to Veneer.

I replay his dancing in my head, his perfect, thin tenor voice gracing my ears. My mind drifts some more, and I picture the first time I met him, then the night at the "Champagne Club." I think about how quickly we bonded; the cute boy I watched in awe from the first show turn into an amazing boyfriend.

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