The Jungle

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The lobby of "The Jungle" is beautiful, with lush greenery everywhere. A strong pineapple scent hangs in the air, trailing after us as we enter the elevator.

Dom: "I'm glad you agreed to meet with me. I assume you've been busy getting ready for this next show."

Ven: "I have been, but I was very excited to see you texted me."

Dom: "I had my chef prepare ratatouille for us tonight. I love it and figured it'd be a dish you may enjoy."

Ven: "I'm sure I'll love it!"

We ride to the top floor, where I hear running water. The elevator opens, letting us into a small hallway like Velv's and I's back home. As Dom opens his front door, I can't help but gasp at the sight.

His home is truly magnificent, with plants everywhere. The air smells of fresh mint, a cool scent similar to Dom's cologne.

My hands fly to my mouth, shocked and excited all at once

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My hands fly to my mouth, shocked and excited all at once.

Ven: "Dom... this place is incredible! I've never seen such... such a pretty home!"

Dom smiles as he grabs my hand. He takes me to his dining area, another area full of beauty and wonder for me to gawk at.

 He takes me to his dining area, another area full of beauty and wonder for me to gawk at

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It's stunning, a long table filled with various foods and drinks.

He pulls out my chair, sitting me down. He pulls out a bottle of, I assume, wine, yet a thought hits me that I haven't taken the time to think over clearly since becoming famous.

Ven: "Dom... I'm 19. I'm not supposed to be drinking."

Dom stops, looking over at me. He seems to think for a moment before putting the wine away.

Dom: "I... I didn't realize you and Velvet were still teenagers. I'm 21, but I'll withhold from drinking around you."

He smiles, going to his fridge before pulling out juice. He pours it for me and himself, sitting down after putting the juice away.

The silence is loud... and a little awkward. I assumed Dom was older than me, but I didn't realize by two years.

Ven: "I assume that neither Jaye nor Sammy knows we're 19 either?"

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