Ring Pop Problems

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I sleep intermittently for a few hours, waking up with tons of energy each time. Kid Ritz wakes up by 10, looking at me sleepily.

Kid Ritz: "You look happy."

Ven: "I am! I have a ton of energy, so that's exciting!"

Kid Ritz smiles, sitting up.

Ven: "Do you want me to make you breakfast?"

Kid Ritz: "Aww, I'd love that. What's on the menu?"

Ven: "Whatever is in my fridge besides fruit, which you can also have. We buy in bulk for Jewels and Floyd, so feel free to browse."

We get up and head down to the kitchen. I make vegan pancakes, making a few extra for Velv for when she wakes up. I finish around 10:30, plating the food before hearing a certain squeaky monkey bounce down the stairs.

Jewels jumps over to me, having slept in Velv's room. I pick her up, giving her belly rubs. I grab her a bowl of fruit and sit down at the island next to Kid Ritz. I feed Jewels as Kid Ritz eats, seeing Velv come down the stairs with Floyd about ten minutes later.

Ven: "I made you guys pancakes; they're on the stove."

Velv nods and walks to the stove, yet looks around as she absentmindely as she grabs plate.

Velv: "Thank you... when did you do the dishes? And have time to clean? The downstairs is spotless."

Ven: "I couldn't sleep last night, so I tried putting my energy towards something productive. I have so much energy right now, it's hard to sit still."

Velv nods and finishes grabbing herself a plate. She puts fruit and a pancake on a plate for Floyd, setting him on the island. It's fun, the five of us eating together. We haven't eaten with family and friends yet, so it's special.

As we eat, Velv looks up from her phone, eyeing my neck.

Velv: "I see you two had fun."

My face burns bright red as Kid Ritz coughs on his orange juice, Floyd sneaking a laugh. The meal ends, everyone going their respective ways. I grab Kid Ritz his tote and Quesadilla, walking him down to the valet.

Kid Ritz: "Hey, you did amazing. You should be so impressed with yourself for beating a monster like Dom. I know I am."

Ven: "Thank you... for everything."

Kid Ritz smiles, pulling me in for a hug. I take a deep breath, my heart still beating fast. Kid Ritz gets in his car, waving and blowing a kiss at me before driving away. Back upstairs, I'm so full of energy that I can't focus on one thing at a time. I give up, getting changed into workout clothes before heading to the gym down in the lobby.

I don't like working out or being sweaty, but I need to get some energy out. I walk to a treadmill  and switch it on. For the first time living here, I see other Mount Rageons. The gym is quiet and peaceful, helping me focus on my run.

I expect to tire out, but I run for an hour, still feeling great afterward. After lunchtime, I'm so wired still that I take Jewels on a walk around our block. I'm able to go for a few laps, yet I am annoyed when I don't feel any different.

Jewels eventually gets tired, making me carry her back upstairs. By the time I'm in bed, something feels really off. I'm not tired... and I can't fall asleep. The night is rough as I try to sleep, my body begging me to move. The next day follows the same routine: working out, walking Jewels, and struggling to sleep. By Tuesday, I realize there's a problem.

No matter what I do, I have show-level energy; very frustrating that it's at all hours. I search online for possible reasons... yet come up with no reasonable explanation. I go to TikTok as a last-ditch effort, finding helpful nothing until "ring pop" catches my eye.

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