Never Felt Before

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I peek behind the door quietly, my panicking lessening as I see who it is.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer!"

Kid Ritz envelopes me in a hug, something I've missed so dearly.

Ven: "Oh my gosh, I've missed you so much!"

Kid Ritz smiles down at me, handing me a bag with candy inside.

Ven: "Woah! Thank you! When did you get these?"

We walk to my bed, and Kid Ritz pulls me onto his lap.

Kid Ritz: "Fred and I went to the truck stop on our way back from taking Orchid home, and I had a little time after my shower, so I thought I'd get you something sweet."

I turn my head back, kissing his cheek.

Ven: "That's very sweet of you! Do you want a change of clothes? I feel bad."

Kid Ritz: "That'd be great; thank you for offering."

I grab him another one of my T-shirts and sweatpants, waiting on my bed for him to change. He leaves my bathroom, placing his clothes beside my door. It's cute seeing him wear my clothes.

He sits on my bed, prompting me to crawl back over and sit on his lap. He sighs into my neck, snaking his hands around my waist to hold me closer.

Ven: "I was so worried when you couldn't answer my calls."

Kid Ritz: "All three of us lost our phones in the chaos. It was an absolute madhouse."

Ven: "I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls. I... had something really rough happen to me, and it just... freaked me out."

Kid Ritz turns my chin for me to look at him, concern crossing his face.

Kid Ritz: "Velvet told me you weren't feeling well. Did you get hurt?"

Ven: "Not exactly, though I can see you did."

I lightly run my finger along his cheek, worried about the cut lining his skin.

Kid Ritz: "Yeah, I got it sometime last night. I got off pretty easy; some fans were..."

He stops, closing his eyes.

I kiss his jaw, leaning my head back against him gently.

Ven: "I am very sorry you even got hurt. I had a panic attack, which I've never experienced before, so the whole experience threw me off. Then, when I recovered, Velv and I escaped with our trio and rode the bus out of there just as the fireworks went off. I had the driver take us to our old apartment; I was too worried to come back here. Velv turned the TV on, and Dom... made that horrible video, which made me..."

I stop, trying not to get myself worked up. Kid Ritz rubs my sides with his hands, his touch comforting.

Ven: "I... threw up snow. It hurt and was so cold, I considered it a bad omen. I saw him this morning when we went back to get the car and our things. He burned me somehow without even touching me. I had asked what I can do to get him to leave me alone, but he gave me no answer."

Kid Ritz: "I've noticed he doesn't talk when he appears... it's strange."

Ven: "Yeah, and frustrating. I need to figure out his weakness. I'm positive he has one. The sooner I figure it out, the better."

Kid Ritz: "I agree. But, Ven, throwing up snow is insane to think about. I'm so sorry that happened, as well as you having a panic attack. I've been there, and it sucks, especially for your first time being in such a dire situation. I'm proud of you for getting through it."

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