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Roman's eyes glow impossibly bright... just like Dom's. His yellow eyes pierce straight into my soul, yet it's different from Dom's gaze.

Roman: "You know what I am, don't you."

I look at him, unable to speak. He stands and walks over to me, places a hand on my shoulder, and leads me to a couch. He sits on the chair in front of the couch, looking at me with a look I can't decipher.

Kid Ritz stares at us, walking over slowly to sit beside me. Fred and Orchid follow hesitantly, sitting next to him.

Justin: "I'll be outside the room; I'll let you know when you have to get back out there."

He leaves, the room falling in a heavy silence. Cade moves to sit next to Dixie, the two staring at me.

Ven: "I heard you."

Roman: "And I felt your energy. As soon as I started singing, I knew something was different about the audience. You were... calling to me."

Fred and Orchid stare at us like we're crazy, even Kid Ritz looking confused.

Ven: "What... are you? Your eyes glow, you have the powers to compel others to listen to you; you can speak telepathically..."

Roman stares me down, rubbing his chin with his hand. He looks at Dixie and Cade, eventually focusing back on me.

Roman: "I think you mean, what are we."

His question picks my heart rate up so fast I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack. He notices my shock, sighing before closing his eyes. The room starts to swirl, and I hear his voice ring around my head.

Roman: *c a n   y o u   h e a r   m e ?*

Ven: *y e s.*

In a flash, the world goes back to normal. I watch as Dixie claps happily, Cade patting her knee excitedly.

Roman: "That confirms to me you are like us. Veneer, you are a Siren Rageon."

I stare at him in shock, confused as all get out. Roman smiles, his eyes glowing brighter. Kid Ritz grabs my hand, willing me to look at him.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer... your eyes!"

I don't have to ask him what he means as I see the outline of my contacts glow from the brightness of my eyes. Cade and Dixie's eyes glow yellow as well, the pair smiling encouragingly at me.

Roman: "You see? We feed off of each other's energy. You haven't honed in on yours; we can tell how new it is."

Ven: "How is this possible? I have never heard of Siren Mount Rageons, let alone met them."

Roman nods, clasping his hands on his lap.

Roman: "Siren Rageons are incredibly rare. It doesn't happen naturally; another Siren Rageon has to infect you. I'm guessing you were infected recently. Tell me, what changes have occurred in your life... things you can't explain?"

I think over his words carefully, looking back at everything new I've struggled with.

Ven: "Since starting my career, I've developed overwhelming energy, unbearable cold within and around me, which I've coined as "The Chill," and... unmeasurable talent that I didn't use to have."

Roman nods some more, a small smile crossing his lips.

Roman: "That's all from becoming a Siren. Until you learn how to use your energy, it is overwhelming. Your talent will only grow over time; you'll find others attracted to you, begging to be near you. However, it seems like whoever infected you intended to harm you. The coldness you feel sounds like malicious intent."

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